(ה) מה בין פסח מצרים לפסח דורות, פסח מצרים מקחו מבעשור, וטעון הזאה באגדת אזוב על המשקוף ועל שתי מזוזות, ונאכל בחפזון בלילה אחד. ופסח דורות נוהג כל שבעה.
(ו) אמר רבי יהושע: שמעתי שתמורת הפסח קרבה ותמורת הפסח אינה קרבה, ואין לי לפרש. אמר רבי עקיבא, אני אפרש: הפסח שנמצא קדם שחיטת הפסח ירעה עד שיסתאב, וימכר, ויקח בדמיו שלמים, וכן תמורתו. אחר שחיטת הפסח קרב שלמים, וכן תמורתו.
(ז) המפריש נקבה לפסחו או זכר בן שתי שנים, ירעה עד שיסתאב, וימכר, ויפלו דמיו לנדבה. המפריש פסחו ומת, לא יביאנו בנו אחריו לשם פסח אלא לשם שלמים.
(ח) הפסח שנתערב בזבחים, כלן ירעו עד שיסתאבו, וימכרו, ויביא בדמי היפה שבהן ממין זה, ובדמי היפה שבהן ממין זה, ויפסיד המותר מביתו. נתערב בבכורות - רבי שמעון אומר: אם חבורת כהנים, יאכלו.
(5) What is the difference between Pesach [celebrated] in Egypt, and Pesach [observed] by [later] generations? The Pesach [sacrifice] in Egypt [required that] its purchase be on the tenth [of Nissan]; and required the sprinkling of its blood with a bunch of hyssop on the lintel, and on the two side-posts [of entrances]; and that it be eaten in one night in haste; whilst Pesach of [later] generations, was observed for all seven [days].
(6) Rabbi Yehoshua says, "I heard [from one of my teachers] that a temurah [an animal which has been substituted, wrongfully, for a sacrificial animal, and which thereby becomes sanctified for certain purposes] for [another, intended as] a Pesach sacrifice, may be offered; and [also] that a temurah for [another, intended as] a Pesach sacrifice, may not be offered; and I do not have with what to explain [this]." Rabbi Akiva said, "I will explain [it]: if the Pesach sacrifice [which had been lost] is found, before the [second] Pesach sacrifice [intended to replace the lost one] is slaughtered, it must be left to pasture until it [contracts a blemish], and shelamim [offerings whose various parts are consumed by its owners, the Kohanim and the fire on the altar] may be purchased from [the proceeds of its sale]; and so [too with] its temurah, and if it was found after the [second] Pesach sacrifice [intended to replace the lost one] is slaughtered, it may be sacrificed as shelamim, and so [too with] its temurah."
(7) If one has set apart [and designated] for his Pesach sacrifice a female [animal], or a male that is two years old, he must leave it to pasture until it [contracts a blemish]; and [then] sell it, and its money goes to [the fund of] voluntary burnt-offerings. If one has set apart [and designated] his Pesach sacrifice and dies [in the interim, before it is sacrificed], his son cannot bring it afterwards as a Pesach sacrifice, but [rather] as shelamim.
(8) If a Pesach sacrifice got mixed up with other [animals intended as] sacrifices, they must all be left to pasture until [they contract a blemish], and [then] be sold; and [the owner] must bring for the price [obtained] for the finest [animal] among them, another sacrifice of each kind of offering [with which it was mixed], and incurs the loss of the difference [between the cost incurred and the proceeds of the animals that he sold] from [his private means]. If a Pesach sacrifice got mixed up with first-born [animals that may only be eaten by Kohanim]; Rabbi Shimon says, "If it is [designated to be eaten by] a company of Kohanim [members of the priestly caste, a subgroup of tribe of Levi, which is uniquely responsible for maintaining and carrying out the sacrificial services in the Temple], they may eat [all of them]."