(ט) נסוך המים כיצד, צלוחית של זהב מחזקת שלשת לגים היה ממלא מן השלוח. הגיעו לשער המים, תקעו והריעו ותקעו. עלה בכבש ופנה לשמאלו, שני ספלים של כסף היו שם. רבי יהודה אומר: של סיד היו, אלא שהיו משחרין פניהם מפני היין. ומנקבין כמין שני חטמין דקין, אחד מעבה ואחד דק, כדי שיהו שניהם כלין בבת אחת. מערבי של מים, מזרחי של יין. ערה של מים לתוך של יין, ושל יין לתוך של מים, יצא. רבי יהודה אומר: בלג היה מנסך כל שמונה. ולמנסך אומרים לו: הגבה ידך. שפעם אחת נסך אחד על גבי רגליו, ורגמוהו כל העם באתרוגיהן .
(י) כמעשהו בחל כך מעשהו בשבת, אלא שהיה ממלא מערב שבת חבית של זהב שאינה מקדשת מן השילוח, ומניחה בלשכה. נשפכה או נתגלתה, היה ממלא מן הכיור, שהיין והמים המגלין, פסולים לגבי המזבח.
(9) How are the water libations done? A golden flask, that could hold three logim [a measure], was filled from the Shiloach [spring]. When they would arrive [with it] at the Gate of Water, they would blow a tekiyah, and a teruah, and a tekiyah. He [the priest] would then ascended the ramp [of the altar], and turned to his left; two silver basins were there. Rabbi Yehudah says: they were [made] of plaster, but their surfaces would darken from the wine. And they had perforations [at their bases] like two narrow nostrils, one [the basin for the wine, had a] wider [perforation], and one [the basin for the water, had a perforation that was] narrower, so that they would both run out at once. The western one was for water, and the eastern one was for wine. If one empties the one for water into the one for wine, or the one for wine into the one for water, one [nonetheless] fulfilled [the requirement]. Rabbi Yehudah says: The libations would be done with one log on each of the eight [days]. And they [the people] would say to the one doing the libations, "Raise your hands," because one time it happened that one [priest] poured the libations on his feet, and all the people pelted him with their citrons.
(10) As was done for it [for the water libations] on the weekdays, likewise was done for it on Shabbat, except that on the eve of Shabbat they would fill a golden cask that had not been sanctified [with water] from the Shiloach [spring], and they would place it in a chamber [in the Temple]. If it was poured out or uncovered, one would [re-]fill it from the laver, since water or wine that were [left] uncovered are invalid for use upon the altar.
(א) החליל חמשה וששה, זהו החליל של בית השואבה, שאינו דוחה לא את השבת ולא את יום טוב. אמרו: כל מי שלא ראה שמחת בית השואבה, לא ראה שמחה מימיו.
(ב) במוצאי יום טוב הראשון של חג ירדו לעזרת נשים, ומתקנין שם תקון גדול. ומנורות של זהב היו שם, וארבעה ספלים של זהב בראשיהן, וארבעה סלמות לכל אחד ואחד, וארבעה ילדים מפרחי כהנה ובידיהם כדים של שמן של מאה ועשרים לג, שהן מטילין לכל ספל וספל.
(1) The flute [was played sometimes on] five [days], and [sometimes on] six. This was the flute of the place of [water] drawing, which does overrides neither Shabbat nor holidays. They [the Sages] said: Anyone who has never seen the rejoicing at the place of [water] drawing, has never seen rejoicing in all his days.
(2) At the departure of the first holy day of the festival, they would descend into the women's court, and they would arrange there a great arrangement. And four golden candelabras were there, and four golden basins at their heads, and four ladders to each one, and [upon them were] four of the rising youth of the priesthood, and in their hands were jars of oil holding one hundred and twenty logim [a liquid measure], which they would pour into each of the basins.