(ג) בראשונה היה הלולב נטל במקדש שבעה ובמדינה יום אחד. משחרב בית המקדש, התקין רבן יוחנן בן זכאי שיהא לולב נטל במדינה שבעה זכר למקדש, ושיהא יום הנף כלו אסור.
(ד) בראשונה היו מקבלין עדות החדש כל היום. פעם אחת נשתהו העדים מלבוא, ונתקלקלו הלוים בשיר, התקינו שלא יהו מקבלין אלא עד המנחה. ואם באו עדים מן המנחה ולמעלה - נוהגין אותו היום קדש ולמחר קדש. משחרב בית המקדש, התקין רבן יוחנן בן זכאי שיהו מקבלין עדות החדש כל היום. אמר רבי יהושע בן קרחה: ועוד זאת התקין רבן יוחנן בן זכאי, שאפלו ראש בית דין בכל מקום, שלא יהו העדים הולכין אלא למקום הועד.
(ה) סדר ברכות: אומר אבות וגבורות וקדשת השם, וכולל מלכיות עמהן, ואינו תוקע. קדשת היום, ותוקע. זכרונות, ותוקע. שופרות, ותוקע. ואומר עבודה והודאה וברכת כהנים, דברי רבי יוחנן בן נורי. אמר לו רבי עקיבא: אם אינו תוקע למלכיות, למה הוא מזכיר, אלא אומר אבות וגבורות וקדשת השם, וכולל מלכיות עם קדשת היום, ותוקע. זכרונות, ותוקע. שופרות, ותוקע. ואומר עבודה והודאה וברכת כהנים.
(ו) אין פוחתין מעשר מלכיות, מעשרה זכרונות, מעשרה שופרות. רבי יוחנן בן נורי אומר: אם אמר שלש שלש מכלן, יצא. אין מזכירין זכרון מלכות ושופר של פרענות. מתחיל בתורה ומשלים בנביא. רבי יוסי אומר: אם השלים בתורה, יצא.
(3) At first, the palm branch [along with its accompanying species] was held [and waved] in the Temple seven [days, meaning throughout Sukkot], and in [the rest of the] country one day. After the destruction of the Temple, Rabban Yochanan ben Zakai ordained that the palm branch should be held [and waved] in [the rest of] the country seven [days], in commemoration of [what was done in] the Temple; and [also], that the whole day of the henef[the ritual of waving of barley sheaves which thereby permits the consumption of new grain] should be prohibited [regarding eating from the new grain].
(4) At first, testimony regarding the new moon was received the whole day [on the thirtieth day of Elul which would then become Rosh Hashanah if the testimony was accepted; but as it] once [happened that] the witnesses delayed in coming, and the Levites confounded the Song [of the day at the afternoon sacrifice], it was ordained that witnesses should be admitted only until [the time of] the afternoon sacrifice, and if witnesses came from [the time of] the afternoon sacrifice and onwards, that day and the morrow would be treated with sanctity [as if the first day were also Rosh Hasahnah]. After the destruction of the temple, Rabban Yochanan ben Zakai ordained that testimony regarding the new moon could be received the whole day [of the thirtieth of Elul once again]. Rabbi Yehoshua ben Korcha said, "This too did Rabban Yochanan ben Zakai ordain: even if the head of the court would be in any [other] place, the witnesses need not go anywhere [else], but to the place of meeting [of the court]."
(5) The order of the blessings [to be said during the silent prayer of musaf - the additional prayer service - on Rosh Hashanah is as follows]: one says avot [the first blessing of the silent prayer, which focuses on the forefathers], and gevurot [the second blessing, which focuses on the power of God] and kedushat Hashem [the third blessing, which focuses on the holiness of God], and includes malkhiot [a series of texts relating to the kingship of God] with them, and does not blow [the shofar; then] kedushat hayom [the standard middle blessing, which focuses on the holiness of the day], and [then] he blows; [then] zikhronot [texts relating to the kind remembrance of God to his creatures], and [then] he blows; [then] the shofarot [texts in which the sounding of the shofar is mentioned], and [then] he blows [a third time]; and [then] he says, avodah [the first of the concluding blessings, which focuses on the service to God], and hodaah [the second of the concluding blessings, which focuses on thanksgiving to God], and birkat Kohanim [the blessing given to the congregation by the priests, who are from the tribe of Levi and are responsible for the Temple service] - so says Rabbi Yochanan ben Nuri. Rabbi Akiva said [back] to him, "If he does not blow [the shofar after] malkhiot, why is it mentioned? Rather, [the proper order is as follows:] one says avot and gevurot and kedushat Hashem, and [then] includes malkhiot with kedushat hayom, and [then] blows [the shofar; then] zikhronot and [then] he blows; [then] the shofarot and [then] he blows [a third time]; and [then] he says, avodah and hodaah and birkat Kohanim."
(6) We may not have less then ten [verses] of malkhiot, ten of zikhronot and ten of shofarot. Rabbi Yochanan ben Nuri says, "If one said three [verses] from each [category], he has fulfilled [his obligation]." We may not mention [verses] of zikaron, malkhut, or shofar, [associated with] calamity. One begins [the set of verses] with [verses] from the Torah and completes [the set] with [verses] from the Prophets." Rabbi Yose says, "It he completes [the set] with [a verse] from the Torah, he has fulfilled [his obligation]."