21 Bava Metzia 1/2-5

(ב) היו שנים רוכבין על גבי בהמה או שהיה אחד רוכב ואחד מנהיג. זה אומר כולה שלי וזה אומר כולה שלי. זה ישבע שאין לו בה פחות מחציה וזה ישבע שאין לו בה פחות מחציה ויחלוקו. בזמן שהם מודים או שיש להן עדים. חולקים בלא שבועה:

(ג) היה רוכב על גבי בהמה וראה את המציאה. ואמר לחברו תנה לי. נטלה ואמר אני זכיתי בה. זכה בה. אם משנתנה לו אמר אני זכיתי בה תחלה. לא אמר כלום:

(ד) ראה את המציאה. ונפל עליה. ובא אחר והחזיק בה. זה שהחזיק בה זכה בה. ראה אותן רצין אחר מציאה. אחר צבי שבור. אחר גוזלות שלא פרחו. ואמר זכתה לי שדי. זכתה לו. היה צבי רץ כדרכו. או שהיו גוזלות מפריחין. ואמר זכתה לי שדי. לא אמר כלום:

(ה) מציאת בנו ובתו הקטנים. מציאת עבדו ושפחתו הכנענים. מציאת אשתו. הרי אלו שלו. מציאת בנו ובתו הגדולים. מציאת עבדו ושפחתו העבדים. מציאת אשתו שגרשה. אף על פי שלא נתן כתובתה. הרי אלו שלהן:

(2) Two [men] were riding on an animal, or one was riding and one was leading. One says, "all of it is mine," and the other one says, "all of it is mine." This one shall swear that he owns no less than half of it, and the other one shall swear that he owns no less than half of it, and they will divide it. In a situation where they agree, or they have witnesses, they divide it without an oath.

(3) One was riding on an animal and saw an object, and said to his fellow, "give it to me." The [other] took it and said, "I have acquired it," [then] he has acquired it [for himself.] If the [other] gave it to him [the one riding the animal] and then said, "I acquired it [for myself] first," [it is as if] he said nothing.

(4) If he saw an object and fell on it, and another came and took possession of it, the one who took possession of it acquired it. If he saw them running after an object, or after a deer [with a] broken [leg], or after hatchlings that have not yet flown, and he said, "my field has acquired it for me," [the field] has acquired it for him. If the deer was running normally, or the hatchlings were flying, and he said, "my field has acquired it for me," [it is as if] he said nothing.

(5) Something found by his minor son or daughter, or something found by his gentile servant or maid-servant, or something found by his wife - these belong to him. Something found by his adult son or daughter, or something found by his Hebrew servant or maid-servant, or something found by his wife whom he divorced, even if he has not yet paid her the value of her ketubah [monetary settlement payable to a married woman upon divorce or the death of her husband], these belong to them.