(י) מצאה ברפת אין חייב בה. ברשות הרבים חייב בה. ואם היתה בית הקברות לא יטמא לה. אם אמר לו אביו היטמא או שאמר לו אל תחזיר לא ישמע לו. פרק וטען פרק וטען אפילו ארבעה וחמשה פעמים חייב. שנאמר (שמות כג, ה) עזוב תעזוב. הלך וישב לו ואמר הואיל ועליך מצוה אם רצונך לפרוק פרוק פטור. שנאמר עמו. אם היה זקן או הולה חייב. מצוה מן התורה לפרוק אבל לא לטעון. רבי שמעון אומר אף לטעון. רבי יוסי הגלילי אומר אם היה עליו יתר על משאו אין זקוק לו שנאמר תחת משאו. משאוי שיכול לעמוד בו:
(יא) אבדתו ואבדת אביו אבדתו קודמת. אבדתו ואבדת רבו שלו קודמת. אבדת אביו. ואבדת רבו. של רבו קודמת. שאביו הביאו לעולם הזה ורבו שלמדו חכמה מביאו לחיי העולם הבא. ואם אביו חכם של אביו קודמת. היה אביו ורבו נושאין משאוי. מניח את של רבו ואחר כך מניח את של אביו. היה אביו ורבו בבית השבי. פודה את רבו.. ואחר כך פודה את אביו. ואם היה אביו חכם פודה את אביו. ואחר כך פודה את רבו:
(10) If one found [an animal] in the stable, he is not obligated with it; [if it is in] the public domain, he is obligated with it. If it was in a cemetery, he may not impurify [himself] for it. If his father said to him 'impurify [yourself]', or 'do not return [a lost object]', he should not listen to him. If [a person] unloaded [an animal] and [the owner] reloaded [the animal], he unloaded and he reloaded, even four or five times, he is obligated [to unload]; as the Torah states, (Exodus 23:5): "You shall surely relieve." If [the owner] went and sat down, and said to the passer-by: 'Since the mitsvah is upon you, if it is your will to unload [the animal], do so,' [the latter] is exempt; as the Torah states, (Exodus 23:5) "With him." If he is old or sick, he is obligated. It is a mitsvah from the Torah to unload [an animal], but not to reload [it]. Rabbi Shimon says: "Even to reload." Rabbi Yosei the Galilean says: "If [the weight] was more than it was able to carry, it is not necessary for him, as the Torah states, (Exodus 23:5): "Under its burden": a burden that it is able to withstand.
(11) If his lost object and his father's lost object [are to be attended to], his lost object takes precedence; his own lost object and his teacher's lost object, his own takes precedence; his father's lost object and his teacher's lost object, his teacher's takes precedence, because his father brought him into this world, but his teacher, who taught him wisdom, brings him to live [in] the world to come; if his father is a sage, [the object] of his father takes precedence. If his father and his teacher were carrying a burden, he should relieve his teacher, and afterward relieve his father. If his father and his teacher were in prison, he should redeem his teacher and afterward he should redeem his father; if his father was a sage, he should redeem his father and afterward he should redeem his teacher.
(א) המפקיד אצל חבירו בהמה או כלים. ונגנבו או שאבדו שילם ולא רצה לישבע. שהרי אמרו שומר חנם נשבע ויוצא. נמצא הגנב משלם תשלומי כפל. טבח ומכר משלם תשלומי ארבעה וחמשה למי משלם למי שהפקדון אצלו. נשבע ולא רצה לשלם. נמצא הגנב משלם תשלומי כפל. טבח ומכר. משלם תשלומי ארבעה וחמשה. למי משלם לבעל הפקדון:
(ב) השוכר פרה מחבירו והשאילה לאחר ומתה כדרכה ישבע השוכר שמתה כדרכה והשואל ישלם לשוכר. אמר ר יוסי כיצד הלה עושה סחורה בפרתו של חבירו אלא תחזור פרה לבעלים:
(1) [If] one deposited [for safekeeping] an animal or vessels with his neighbor and they were stolen or lost, if he paid and did not want to swear [the prescribed oath], because they [the sages] said that an unpaid guardian must swear and be exempt [from liability, and if afterward] the thief is found, he must pay double. [If the thief] butchered or sold the object, he must pay four or fivefold. To whom does he pay? To him who [kept] the deposit with him. [If the guardian] swore the [prescribed oath] and did not want to pay, and [afterward] the thief is found, he must pay double. [If the thief] butchered or sold the object, he must pay four or fivefold. To whom does he pay? To the owner of the deposit.
(2) If one rented a cow from his neighbor, and loans it to another, and the cow dies naturally; the one who rented [the cow] should swear that it died naturally, and the borrower should pay the renter. Rabbi Yosei said: How shall he do business with his neighbor's cow? Rather, the cow [or its value] must be returned to the owners.