In Naso we continue the last parasha’s description of the preparations the Israelites made for their journey from Sinai to the Holy Land.
Naso discusses many different topics which at first seem unconnected. These include the roles of two of the families from the tribe of Levi – Gershon and Merari; the census (counting) of the Levites as a group; rules about the purity of the camp; the laws of the Nazirite (who chooses to live an especially holy lifestyle, avoiding things like haircuts and drinking wine); and the priestly blessing, which the kohanim still use to bless us today. This is the same blessing parents use to bless their children every Friday night and on festivals.
The parasha ends with a long description of the offerings brought by each of the tribes at the dedication of the Mishkan (the portable Temple).
Why do you think there is a custom for parents to bless their children every Friday night?