The Torah’s explanation of the design and building of the Mishkan (the portable Temple) is the longest passage in the whole book of Shemot. It begins in Teruma and continues all the way through to the end of Shemot (only taking a short break to tell the story of the Golden Calf).
The Israelites used their own money to build the Mishkan, and it became the central place to worship God and a way to see and feel God’s presence among the people. The Torah’s description of the building of the Mishkan is long and detailed to teach us how important it was for the Israelites to put all their effort and care into building it.
The sections of the Mishkan discussed in this parasha include the ark for the tablets of stone, the ark’s cover, the table for the showbread, the Menora, the covers and walls of the whole Mishkan, the partition, and the altar.
Why do you think it was important that the Israelites paid for the building of the Mishkan themselves?