In this parasha, three strangers pass by Avraham’s tent. What Avraham and Sara do not know is that they are in fact angels. Avraham offers them food and a place to rest. One of them tells Avraham that Sara will have a baby, and Sara, who is listening in, laughs because she believes she is far too old to have children.
Next, God tells Avraham about His plan to punish the people of Sedom because they are behaving so wickedly. Avraham is worried that innocent people in Sedom could suffer too, and argues with God that He must save the city if that is true. With real (and never-before-seen) chutzpah he argues that God must take justice into account! God agrees that if ten innocent men can be found, He will spare the city (but unfortunately, even this deal does not save Sedom). Two of the angels visit Avraham’s nephew, Lot, in Sedom to rescue him and his family before the city is destroyed.
The baby promised to Avraham and Sara is born and they name him Yitzḥak. At the end of the parasha the Torah tells the famous story of Akeidat Yitzḥak, the “Binding of Yitzḥak.”
Where in this parasha can we see examples of Avraham’s faith in God?