In this parasha, we read the story of Yaakov and Esav’s reunion. After many years of separation, Yaakov hears that his brother is on his way to meet him with an army of four hundred men. So he decides to do three things: (1) He divides his camp into two separate groups. (2) He prays to God for help. (3) He sends servants to deliver gifts to Esav.
That night he is attacked by a mysterious stranger, whom he fights. He refuses to let the stranger go until he is given a blessing. Instead, the stranger gives Yaakov a new name – Yisrael, which means “Someone who fights with God and with men and wins.” Our Rabbis teach us that Yaakov had been renamed by an angel.
The next day the two brothers meet, and hug. Yaakov had been scared they would fight but instead there is only love between them.
The parasha ends with the death of Yitzḥak and a list of all of the descendants of Esav.
What do you think was going through Yaakov’s mind when Esav was approaching?