Start Reading
Section I: Yonah Flees Hashem
Chapter I: A Sefer Like No Other Radak's Stunning QuestionChapter II: Why Did Yonah Flee? Part OneChapter III: Why Did Yonah Flee? Part TwoChapter IV: Why Did Yonah Flee? Part ThreeChapter V: TarshishChapter VI: Escaping God?Chapter VII: Collective PunishmentChapter VIII: Focused Punishment | AttentionChapter IX: Yonah to the Bottom of the ShipChapter X: The Captain's Shocking RebukeChapter XI: LotsChapter XII: Ivri Anochi VeEt Hashem Elokei HaShamayim Ani YareiChapter XIII: What Should We Do?Chapter XIV: Throw Me Into the SeaChapter XV: Yonah is Thrown into the Sea
Section II: Yonah Repents (Maybe)
Chapter I: Saving YonahChapter II: Yonah Switches GearsChapter III: Yonah was in a Large Fish for Three Days! Really?Chapter IV: Yonah's Obsession with the Beit HaMikdashChapter V: Yonah's VisionChapter VI: Meshamrim Havlei Shav Chasdam Yaazovu. I Can Translate the Words but What Does it Mean?Chapter VII: The Missing Teshuvah
Section III: Yonah Goes to Nineveh
Section IV: Hashem Confronts Yonah
Chapter I: Yonah Upset Again?!Chapter II: Yonah Hunkers DownChapter III: Are You Sufficiently Fed Up?Chapter IV: The Kikayon Part OneChapter V: The Kikayon Part Two: Explaining the TortureChapter VI: The Kikayon Part Three: The Nineveh AnalogyChapter VII: Between Right and LeftChapter VIII: The Famous Unanswered Question of Sefer Yonah
About This Text
Author: Chaim Jachter
Composed: Teaneck, NJ, c.2014 – c.2018 CE
A contemporary commentary on the book of Jonah as it relates to the Yom Kippur service by Rabbis Chaim and Binyamin Jachter.