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Laws of Tefillin
Laws of Blessings
Laws of Birkat HaMazon
Laws of Blessings on Fruits
Laws of Shabbat
Laws of Eruvin
Laws of Yom Tov
Laws of Chametz and Matzah
Laws of Kashering Vessels
Laws of Passover Night
Laws of Tisha Be'Av
Laws of Rosh Hashanah
Laws of Yom Kippur
Laws of Etrog
Laws of Shechita
Laws of Lung Terefot
Laws of Salting
Laws of Forbidden and Permitted Foods
Laws of Kechal
Laws of Foods Cooked by Non Jews
Laws of Kashering Vessels
Laws of Yayin Nesech
About This Text
Author: Jacob Landau
Sefer HaAgur is a 15th-century halakhic digest by Rabbi Jacob Landau, covering topics addressed in the Orach Chaim and Yoreh Deah sections of Rabbi Jacob ben Asher’s Tur. In his introduction, Landau writes that he wrote his book for his student, who was busy studying physics and metaphysics and did not have time to study Jewish law from its talmudic sources. Based primarily on the Tur, Sefer HaAgur presents a summary of existing opinions for each given law, a legal ruling, and a summary of the questions and cases raised in recent halakhic literature since the publication of the Tur. Sefer HaAgur was novel in its occasional incorporation of kabbalistic considerations into halakhic rulings. It was also the first published Hebrew book to contain *haskamot,” approbations from other rabbis.