סוֹד m. (b. h.; cmp. סַד a. יָסַד) 1) foundation. Snh. 92ᵇ סוֹדוֹ (Tanḥ. Noah 10 יסודו), v. מָקַק.—Trnsf. principle. R. Hash. 20ᵇ ס׳ העיבור the Principle of Intercalation (title of a book). Ex. R. s. 15 ס׳ הלבנה the principle of the lunar calendar. —2) intimate union, circle, council. Y. R. Hash. II, 58ᵇ (ref. to Ez. XIII, 9) זהו ס׳ העיבור that means the council (of the Sanhedrin) for intercalation; Keth. 112ᵃ; Y. Snh. I, 18ᶜ bot. זה עיבור (corr. acc.). —3) deliberation, counsel. Erub. 65ᵃ (ref. to the numerical value of י̇י̇ן̇ and ס̇ו̇ד̇) נכנס יין יצא ס׳ where the wine enters, counsel leaves; Snh. 38ᵃ; Num. R. s. 10; s. 11. Ib. יצא יין נכנס ס׳ when the wine has left (where there is abstinence), deliberation enters. Ib. (ref. to Prov. III, 32) … הוא נוזר זוכה לס׳ החכמה he is abstinent …, therefore he is granted the counsel of divine wisdom. Ib. אנשי סוֹדוֹ the men of his (God’s) counsel, i.e. his friends. Pes. 113ᵃ (play on ס̇ו̇דנ̇א̇) ס̇ו̇ד̇ נ̇א̇ה וכ׳ (beer-brewing is) a profitable device and a charity (requiring a very small capital); a. e. —4) secret. Ib. 49ᵇ אין מגלין להן ס׳ we must not entrust a secret to them. Ḥag. 14ᵃ הקב"ה מגלה להם ס׳ וכ׳ the Lord shall reveal a secret (solve mysteries) to them in the hereafter. Yeb. 63ᵇ (fr. Ben Sira) גַּלֵּה ס׳ וכ׳ reveal a secret to one out of thousand; a. e.