אֶלְעָזָר, לָעְזָר pr. n. m. Elazar. 1) E. b. Poïra, counsellor of John Hyrcanus. Kidd. 66ᵃ —2) Several Tanaim: a) E. b. Azariah; E. b. Arakh. of the second generation; b) E. b. P’rata; E. of Modim, of the third gener.—c) E. b. Jacob; E. b. Shamua; E. b. Simon (bar Yoḥai); E. b. R. Yose the Galilean, of the fourth gener. —3) Several Amoraim: a) E. b. Antigonus; E. b. R. Yannai, of the second gener. Y. Ber. V, 9ᵇ bot.; a. e.—b) E. bar Abina. Ib. I, 3ᶜ bot.—c) R. Lazar or E. (in Babli E. b. P’dath) one of the most renowned Amoraim of the third gener. Erub. 65ᵇ; a. v. fr.