תִּיקּוּן, תִּקּוּן m. (תָּקַן) 1) preparation, esp. making fruits available by separating the tithes, the priest’s share &c. Y. Dem. III, beg. 23ᵇ נותן לו כדי תִיקּוּנוֹ (not תיקולו) we give a quantity large enough for him to separate the tithe, i.e. we give him a larger quantity, so that after deducting the gifts he should have as much as is due to him; a. e. —2) establishment, institution; amendment, making right. Gitt. IV, 2, a. fr. מפני ת׳ העולם for the sake of the social order. Succ. V, 2 ומתקנין שם ת׳ גדול and they introduced a great improvement there; ib. מאי ת׳ גדול וכ׳ what was that great improvement? … The woman’s compartment was open, and they put a railing around it &c. Tosef. Naz. V, 2 ת׳ הדבר וכ׳ the way to set the thing right, the proper way is &c.; Y. ib. II, end, 52ᵇ תִּקָּן וכ׳. Pesik. shimʿu, p. 118ᵃ על שם שלא … כתִיקּוּנָהּ בא"י because I did not separate one Ḥallah in Palestine as was proper; Cant. R. to I, 6 כתִקָּנָהּ; ib. על שלא … כתִקּוּנוֹ וכ׳ because I did not keep one Holy Day in Palestine as I ought to have &c. Pesik. R. s. 28 שאין עושים … כתִיקָּנָם וכ׳ my children do not observe the festivals according to their institution, as they were commanded &c. Meg. 2ᵃ בזמן שהשנים כתִיקָּנָן וכ׳ when the seasons of the year were as they ought to be (when the calendar was regulated by the court), and Israel dwelt in their land; a. fr.—ת׳ סופרים the emendations of Biblical phrases introduced by the Sof’rim (v. סוֹפֵר) to obviate apparently irreverent expressions. Tanḥ. B’shall. 16 [where the text is largely interpolated]. Gen. R. s. 49 (ref. to Gen. XVIII, 22) ת׳ ס׳ הוא זה שהשכינה וכ׳ this is a Soferic emendation (for, ‘and the Lord stood yet before Abraham’), for the Shechinah waited for Abraham; Midr. Till. to Ps. XVIII; (Lev. R. s. 11 תַּקָּנַת ס׳); a. fr.—[A list of these emendations is to be found in Tanḥ. l. c.; Sifré Num. 84; Mekh. B’shall., Shir., s. 6; Yalk. Ex. 247; v. esp. Frensdorff, Ochlah W’ochlah, p. 113.]