נשׁה ᴵ to be a creditor, claim a debt, exact payment.
— Qal - נָשָׁה he lent to, was a creditor, exacted payment.
— Hiph. - הִשָּׁה he lent to, was a creditor. [Akka. rāshū (= creditor), rāshūtu (= loan), Aram. רְשָׁא (= he lent). According to Zimmeru, נשׁה ᴵ is an Akka. loan word (with change of r to n, whereas in Aram. the original r has remained). According to Barth, the r in Aram. רְשָׁא developed from orig. n. Arab. nasa’a (= he put off, postponed, delayed; he sold on credit), is a Heb. loan word.] Derivatives: נוֹשֶׁה, נֽשִׁי ᴵ, נִשְׁיוֹן ᴵ, מַשֶּׁה.