פלג to cleave, split, divide.
— Niph. - נִפֽלַג was divided.
— Pi. - פִּלֵּג 1 he cleft; 2 he divided.
— Pu. - פֻּלַּג was divided.
— Hith. - הִתְפַּלֵּג was divided.
— Hiph. - הִפֽלִיג 1 he separated (orig. ‘he divided’); 2 he went off (lit.: ‘he separated himself’); for sense development cp. Fren. partir (= to divide, separate), se partir (= to separate oneself, depart, leave); 3 he set sail; 4 he turned aside, diverted, put off; 5 he removed; 6 he exaggerated (lit. prob. meaning ‘he went too far’).
— Hoph. - הֻפֽלַג 1 was diverted; 2 was removed. [Phoen. פלג (= to divide: district), Aram. פְּלֵג, פּֽלַג, Syr. פְּלַג (= he split, divided), Aram. פְּלֻגֽתָּא (= division), Arab. falaja (= he split, divided), Ethiop. falag (= stream), Akka. palgu (= canal), puluggu, pulungu (= district). It is always easy to trace back the various meanings of the verb פלג in the Hiph. to the meaning ‘to cleave, split, divide’; however, a comparison with the meaning of this base in its derivatives in Biblical Heb. and in the other Sem. languages shows that its orig. meaning was indeed ‘to cleave, split, divide’.] Derivatives: פֶּלֶג ᴵ, פֶּלֶג ᴵᴵ, פּֽלָג, פַּלָּג, פַּלָּגָה, פֹּלֶג, פְּלַגָּה, פְּלֻגָּה, פַּלּֽגָן, פִּלּוּג, פּֽלִיגָה, הֶפֽלֵג, הִפָּלְגוּת, הַפְלָגָה, הִתֽפַּלְּגוּת, מַפּֽלֵג, מִפְלָג, מֻפֽלָג, מֽפֻלָּג, מִפְלַגָּה, מִפְלָגָה, תִּפְלֹגֶת and the first element in פְּלַגְצֵל. cp. פַּלְּגָאָה, פַּלְּגַאי, פְּלֻגְתָּא, פְּלִיג.