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Pitum HaKetoret
Seder Kriat Shema Al HaMitah
Hatavat Chalom
Order of Mincha
Order of Maariv
Laws of Shabbat
Laws of Shabbat from Sefer HaTerumah
Order of Shabbat
Order of Motza'ei Shabbat
Laws of Pesach
Order of the Ten Days of Repentance
Pirkei Avot
Preludes for Maariv
Laws of Marriage
'The Path of Torah Sages'
Tractate Derekh Eretz
Chapter of Gan Eden
Ten Signs of Mashiach
Laws of Covering the Blood
Laws from Sefer HaTerumah
About This Text
Author: Simchah of Vitry
Composed: Vitry-sur-Seine, c.1055 – c.1105 CE
Machzor Vitry is an 11th-century prayer book that incorporates legal rulings, composed by Rabbi Simcha of Vitry, a French scholar and disciple of Rashi. The word “machzor” (cycle) signifies that in addition to daily prayers, the book includes prayers for unique days on the Jewish calendar, like Shabbat, holidays, and fast days. Also incorporated are commentary on the Ten Commandments and Pirkei Avot, liturgical poems, descriptions of messianic times, and legal sections on marriage, holidays, and ritual slaughter, among other topics. The work incorporates many of Rashi’s decisions as well as decisions of other major authorities and is considered a critical source of French liturgy traditions.