Nishmat HaBayit
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Foreword by Rabbi Yaakov WarhaftigPreface by Yoetzet Halacha Rabbanit Michal RonessIntroduction by Rabbanit Chana Henkin
Siman 30; Family Planning following ChildbirthSiman 31; Contraception after Several BirthsSiman 32; IUD Use and the Ranking of Contraceptive OptionsSiman 33; Condom Use When Pregnancy Is Contra IndicatedSiman 34; Spermicide UseSiman 35; Diaphragm UseSiman 36; Emergency Contraception; The "Morning After" PillSiman 37; Depo Provera (Progesterone Injection)Siman 38; Onot Perishah with Hormonal ContraceptionSiman 39; Establishing a Veset with Hormonal ContraceptionSiman 40; Onot Perishah When Stopping Hormonal ContraceptionSiman 41; Extending the Cycle via Hormonal ContraceptionSiman 42; When Staining Renders a Woman NiddahSiman 43; Post Coital Bleeding with Hormonal ContraceptionSiman 44; Staining on a Panty Liner or Synthetic ClothingSiman 45; A Suspected Lesion and Stain Location on a Bedikah ClothSiman 46; When a Contraceptive Pill Is Not Absorbed, RecommendationsSiman 47; Mikveh Immersion with a Hormonal PatchSiman 48; Bedikot with a Contraceptive RingSiman 49; Immersion with a Contraceptive RingSiman 50; Insertion of an IUD during the Seven Neki'imSiman 51; Does Removal of an IUD Render a Woman Niddah?Siman 52; Bleeding from an Abrasion Caused by an IUDSiman 53; Premenstrual StainingSiman 54; Colors on Bedikah ClothsSiman 55; Bedikot of Onot Perishah When a Woman Experiences SpottingSiman 56; Minor Monthly SpottingSiman 57; Waiting before the Seven Neki'imSiman 58; Douching before Internal BedikotSiman 59; A Spot on a TamponSiman 60; Finding Blood on a DiaphragmSiman 61; Onot Perishah with Fertility Awareness Method (FAM)Siman 62; Checking for Secretions with Fertility Awareness Method (FAM)Siman 63; The Mitzvah of Onah on Mikveh Night with Fertility Awareness Method (FAM)
Medical BibliographyHalakhic References, Aharonim and Contemporary Poskim
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