[א] "וכל אשר יִפֹּל מנבלתם עליו יטמא" – במי הוא מדבר? אם במיתתם – הרי מיתתן אמורה, אם באבר מן החי – הרי אבר מן החי אמור, הא אינו מדבר אלא באבר מן המת. 1) (Vayikra 11:35): "And all that there shall fall of their carcass (that of sheratzim) upon it shall be tamei": Of what is this speaking? If of their death (i.e., touching the carcass itself) this has already been mentioned (Vayikra 11:31). If of ever min hechai, this has been mentioned above (Vayikra 11:32 [see Section 6:1]). It must be speaking, then, of ever min hameth (a limb of a dead animal).
[ב] "מנבלתם" – לא מן העצמות, לא מן השיניים, לא מן הצפרנים, ולא מן השיער שלהם. "תנור" – אם שלם – טמא, אם חתכו – טהור. מיכן אמרו תנור שנטמא כיצד מטהרין אותו? חולקו לשלשה וגורר את הטפילה עד שיהיה בארץ. ר' מאיר אומר אין צריך לגרר הטפילה ולא עד שיהיה בארץ, אלא ממעטו מבפנים ד' טפחים. ר' שמעון אומר צריך להסיעו. 2) "of their carcass": not of the bones, not of the teeth, not of the claws, and not of their hair. An oven or a stove, if whole, it is tamei, and if severed, it is clean. From here they ruled: An oven which came in parts from the workshop — if he made frames for it and placed frames upon it, (it being clean), it (now) acquires tumah. If he removed the frames, it is clean; if he (afterwards) returned the frames, it (remains) clean. If he plastered it (after returning the frames), it (again) acquires tumah, and he need not heat it (to render it susceptible of acquiring tumah), for it has already been heated (in the workshop). (Vayikra 11:35): "an oven or a stove shall be torn down": If it were whole, it is tamei, and if it were severed, it is clean. From here they ruled: If a stove were tamei, how is it cleansed? It is divided into three, and he scrapes off the plaster (coating) until it is on the ground. R. Meir says: He need not scrape off the plaster and it need not be on the ground, but he diminishes it (from) four tefachim from within. R. Shimon says: He must move it (from its place and separate the pieces, and if he wishes, he may rejoin them).
[ג] חלקו לשנים – אחד גדול ואחד קטן – הגדול טמא והקטן טהור. חלקו לשלש – אחד גדול ושנים קטנים – הגדול טמא ושנים הקטנים טהורים. חלקו לשנים והם שוים – טמאים, מפני שאי אפשר. 3) If it were divided into two parts; one large, the other small — the large is tamei, (the name "stove" adhering to it), and the small is clean. If he divided it into three parts, one (as large) as two, and the two (others), small — the large is tamei, and the two small ones, clean. If he divided it into two equal parts, they are (both) tamei, for it is impossible (to "equalize" exactly, and we suspect each part as being the larger one).
[ד] נטמא תנור, אם שלם – טמא, ואם חתכו – הרי הוא טהור. מכאן אמרו תנור שבא מחותך מבית האומן – עושה לו לימודים ונותנה עליו והוא טהור. נטמא – סלק את הלימודים – טהור. החזירה לו – טהור. מרחו בטיט – מקבל טומאה. אין צריך להסיקנו שכבר הוסק.
[ה] "תנור" – שומעני בין חדש בין ישן… ודין הוא! טימא כלי חרס וטימא תנור. מה כלי חרס – משתגמר מלאכתו, אף תנור משתגמר מלאכתו, דברי ר' אליעזר.אמר לו רבי עקיבא: דנים אפשר משאי אפשר?! אמר לו ר' אליעזר אף שאיפשר ראיה גדולה הוא! 5) By "oven," I understand (as being tamei) both one that is new (i.e., one that was not heated in a furnace, but dried in the sun) and one that is old (i.e., one that was heated in a furnace). And this follows, viz.: An earthen vessel acquires tumah and an oven acquires tumah. Just as an earthen vessel (acquires tumah) when its fashioning is complete; so, an oven. These are the words of R. Eliezer. R. Akiva responded: Do you deduce what is possible (i.e., an oven, which it is possible to heat in a furnace) from what is impossible (i.e., an earthen vessel, which it is impossible to heat thus)? R. Eliezer: Even though it is possible, the proof holds!
[ו] חזר רבי עקיבא והחליף את הדין. טימא כלי חרס וטימא תנור. מה כלי חרס משתגמר מלאכתו באור, אף תנור משתגמר מלאכתו באור. אי מה כלי חרס בשמו אף תנור בשמו! תנור קודם שהוסק תנור שמו! תלמוד לומר "כירים". מאימתי מקבל טומאה? משיסקנו כדי לאפות בו סופגנים. רבי יהודה אומר משיסיק את החדש כדי לאפות בישן סופגנים. 6) R. Akiva retracted and reversed the rationale, viz.: An earthen vessel acquires tumah and an oven acquires tumah. Just as (something is called) "an earthen vessel" when its fashioning is completed in the flame (of a furnace), so (something is called) "an oven" only when its fashioning is completed in the flame (of a furnace). — But perhaps just as an earthen vessel, by its name, (and it is not called an "earthen vessel" until it is heated), so, an oven by its name, and it is called "an oven" even before it is heated! It is, therefore, written ("oven … [Vayikra 11:36]) But" (to teach us that an oven does not acquire tumah until it is heated.) When does it acquire tumah? When it has been heated enough for the baking of crackers. R. Yehudah says: When the new one has been heated enough to bake crackers in an old one, (this being the completion of its fashioning).
[ז] "יֻתָּץ טמאים" – את שיש לו נתיצה יש לו טומאה, את שאין לו נתיצה אין לו טומאה; פרט לתנור של אבן ושל מתכות ולכירה של אבן ושל מתכת. מיכן אמר תנור של אבן ושל מתכת – טהור; וטמא משום כלי מתכות. ניקב, נפגם, נסדק, עשה לו טפילה או מוסף של טיט – טמא. וכמה יהיה בנקב? כדי שיצא בו האור. וכן בכירה. 7) (Vayikra 11:35): "… shall be torn down. They are tamei": What is subject to tearing down is tamei by reason of "oven and stove," and what is not subject to tearing down is not tamei by reason of "oven and stove," except an oven of stone and of metal and a stove of stone and of metal. From here they ruled: A stove of stone and of metal is clean (One of stone is completely clean and one of metal is clean of the halachah of an earthen vessel, not conferring tumah through its atmosphere and being subject to cleansing in a mikveh), and it is tamei by reason of a metal vessel, (acquiring tumah through its back and becoming a progenitor (av) of tumah when touched by an olive-size of a dead body; and when it is attached to the ground, it does not confer tumah. If it were perforated, damaged, or split, and a plaster or an addition of clay were made for it, it is tamei. And how large must the perforation be (for the plaster over it to render it an earthen vessel)? (Large) enough to emit light; and so, with a stove.
[ח] כירה של אבן ושל מתכת – טהורה; וטמאה משום כלי מתכות. ניקבה, נפגמה, נסדקה, עשה לה פטפוטים – טמאה. מרחה בטיט – בין מבפנים בין מבחוץ – טהורה. ר' יהודה אומר מבפנים טמאה, מבחוץ טהורה. 8) A stove of stone and of metal is clean, and it is tamei by reason of a metal vessel. If it were perforated, damaged, or split, and an (earthen) tripod were made for it, it is tamei. If it were smeared with clay, both inside or outside, it is clean, (for one does not cook or bake inside the stove itself, but places a pot in it or on top of it).
[ט] "יֻתָּץ טמאים" – את שיש לו נתיצה יש לו טומאה, את שאין לו נתיצה אין לו טומאה. מיכן אמרו: האבן שהיה שופת עליה ועל התנור, עליה ועל הכירה, עליה ועל הכופח – טמאה מפני שיש לו נתיצה. עליה ועל האבן, עליה ועל הסלע, עליה ועל הכותל – טהורה מפני שאין לו נתיצה. עליה ועל הזיז – רואין שאם ינטל הכותל והוא עומד בפני עצמו – טמא, ואם לאו – טהור. 9) (Vayikra 11:35): "… shall be torn down. They are tamei": What is subject to tearing down is subject to tumah; what is not subject to tearing down is not subject to tumah. From here they ruled: If (a pot) were placed upon a stone and upon an oven (the stone being joined to it by plaster); upon it and upon a stove; upon it and upon a kupach (a kind of stove), it is tamei because it is subject to "tearing down." (If it were placed) upon it and upon (another) stone; upon it and upon a rock (which had never been dislodged); upon it and upon a wall, it is clean, for it is not subject to "tearing down." upon it and upon a projection (from the wall) — if we perceive that it could stand by itself (if the projection were removed), it is tamei; if not, it is clean.
[י] "יֻתָּץ" – יכול יתצם ודאי? תלמוד לומר "וטמאים יהיו" – מקיימים אותם בטומאתם. "יהיו לכם" – כל שהוא לצרכיכם, לרבות ידות הכלים. מכאן אמרו: האבן היוצאת מן התנור טפח, ומן הכירה ג' אצבעות – חיבור. היוצא מן הכופח – עשאו לאפיה – שיעורו כתנור; עשאו לבישול – שיעורו ככירה. אמר ר' יהודה והלא אמרו האבן היוצא מן התנור כל שהוא טמאה! לא אמרו טפח אלא בין התנור לכותל. היו שני תנורים סמוכים זה לזה – נותן לזה טפח ולזה טפח והשאר טהור. או יכלו שאני מרבה יתר מכשיעור? תלמוד לומר "הם". 10) (Vayikra 11:35) "shall be torn down": I might think that it is a mitzvah to tear them down; it is, therefore, written (Vayikra 11:35) "and tamei shall they be" (i.e., they may be retained in a state of tumah and need not be cleansed). ("and tamei) shall they be to you): for all that serves your needs, including the handles of vessels. From here they ruled: A stone that protrudes a tefach from the oven (to serve as a "handle" of the oven), and three fingers from the stove is (considered) a connection (to the oven, so that if the oven becomes tamei, the stone becomes tamei, [but what is added to the tefach does not become tamei, the oven not requiring it]). What protrudes from a kupach — If it were made for baking, its size (for tumah) is that of an oven. If it were made for cooking, its size is that of a stove. R. Yehudah said: Did they not say: Any amount (of protrusion) of the stone from the oven, (even more than a tefach) is tamei, (being considered a handle of the stove). They said (that it is tamei only up to) a tefach (but not longer, when the oven is) between the stone and the wall, (the amount beyond a tefach being slated for removal so that the oven can be moved closer to the wall). If there were two ovens near each other, each is allowed a tefach (for purposes of handle-tumah), and the rest (beyond a tefach) is clean. — But perhaps I include more than that amount (for tumah). — (No, for) it is written "Tamei shall they (themselves) be" (and not their protrusions [unless they are needed for your use]).