[א] "ואשר יזה מדמה" – מדם הכשרה ולא מדם הפסולה. רבי עקיבא אומר: היתה לה שעת הכושר ונפסלה – דמה טעון כיבוס. שלא היתה לה שעת הכושר ונפסלה – אין דמה טעון כיבוס. ור' שמעון אומר אף על פי שהיתה לה שעת הכושר ונפסלה – אין דמה טעון כיבוס. 1) (Vayikra 6:20) ("And what shall be sprinkled of its blood upon a garment, that which has been sprinkled on, you shall wash in a holy place.") "what shall be sprinkled of its blood": of the blood of an animal that is fit, and not of that of an animal which is unfit. R. Akiva says: If it had a time of fitness and its blood became unfit, (as when its blood remained overnight or became tamei), washing is required. If it did not have a time of fitness and its blood became unfit, (as when it became unfit in being slaughtered or in the receiving of its blood), washing is not required. R. Shimon says: Even if it had a time of fitness and it became unfit, washing is not required.
[ב] "מדמה" – ולא מדם קדשי קדשים. והלא דין הוא! ומה אם חטאת הפנימית – שלא שוו לחטאת החצונית למריקה ולשטיפה – שוו להם לכיבוס, קדשי קדשים – ששוו לחטאת החצונית למריקה ולשטיפה – אינו דין שישוו להם לכיבוס?! תלמוד לומר "מדמה" "מדמה" – ולא מרוטבה. והלא דין הוא! ומה אם הדם – שאין טעון מריקה ושטיפה – טעון כיבוס, הרוטב – שטעון מריקה ושטיפה – אינו דין שטעון כיבוס?! תלמוד לומר "מדמה" – ולא מרוטבה. 2) "of its blood": and not of the blood of holy of holies, (such as the blood of communal peace-offerings or of guilt-offerings. If it were sprinkled on a garment, it does not require washing.) For would it not follow a fortiori (that it does require washing), viz.: If inner sin-offerings, which are not similar to outer sin-offerings in (requiring) scouring and rinsing (of vessels in which they are cooked), are similar to them in (requiring) washing, then holy of holies, which are similar to outer sin-offerings in (requiring) scouring and rinsing, does it not follow that they should be similar to them in (requiring) washing! It is, therefore, (to negate this,) necessary to write "of its blood." "of its blood": and not of its broth (If its broth sprinkled on a garment, it does not require rinsing.) For would it not follow a fortiori (that it does require washing), viz.: If blood, which does not require scouring and rinsing (of vessels), requires washing (of garments), then broth, which does require scouring and rinsing, should it not follow that it requires washing! It is, therefore, (to negate this,) necessary to write "of its blood" and not of its broth.
[ג] "על הבגד" – ניתז על מקצתו של בגד יכול יהא בגד כולו טעון כיבוס? תלמוד לומר "אשר יזה עליה תכבס" – מקום הדם טעון כיבוס ואין הבגד כולו טעון כיבוס. 3) "upon a garment": If it sprinkled upon part of a garment, I might think the entire garment required washing. It is, therefore, written "that which has been sprinkled upon you shall wash" — the place of the blood requires washing, and not the entire garment.
[ד] ניתז מן הצואר על הבגד – יכול יטעון כיבוס? תלמוד לומר "ואשר יזה עליה תכבס" – שכשר להזות טעון כיבוס ושאין כשר להזות אין טעון כיבוס. 4) If it sprinkled from its neck onto a garment, I might think it required washing. It is, therefore, written "And what shall be sprinkled (upon it) of its blood … you shall wash in a holy place": (blood from) a place (i.e., a ministering vessel) from which it is kasher to sprinkle upon it requires washing, and (blood from a place, i.e., the neck,) from which it is not kasher to sprinkle upon it does not require washing.
[ה] ניתז מידו של מזה עד שלא הזה – טעון כיבוס; משהזה – אין טעון כיבוס. נשפך מן הכלי על הרצפה ואספו – טעון כיבוס. מצואר בהמה – אין טעון כיבוס. מן הקרן ומן היסוד – אין טעון כיבוס. 5) If (the blood) sprang from the hand of the sprinkler (onto the garment) before he sprinkled (it on the altar horn), it requires washing. If after he sprinkled, it does not require washing, (for the blood that was left on his finger after sprinkling on the altar horn is not fit for sprinkling.) If it spilled from the vessel onto the floor and he gathered it up and then it sprang upon the garment, it requires washing, (for the blood was still fit for sprinkling). (If it sprang) from the animal's neck onto the floor and was gathered up (and then sprang upon the garment), it does not require washing, (it not being fit for sprinkling, not having been received in the ministering vessel). (If it sprang) from the horn and from the base (of the altar), it does not require washing, (it being written "what shall be sprinkled," and not what was already sprinkled).
[ו] 'בגד' – אין לי אלא בגד; מנין לרבות העור משהופשט? תלמוד לומר "אשר יזה עליה תכבס" יכול שאני מרבה את העור עד שלא הופשט? תלמוד לומר 'בגד'. מה בגד ראוי לקבל טומאה, אף כל ראוי לקבל טומאה; פרט לעור עד שלא הופשט, דברי ר' יהודה. ר' אלעזר אומר 'בגד' – אין לי אלא בגד; מנין לרבות את השק וכל דבר המקבל טומאה? תלמוד לומר "אשר יזה עליה תכבס". יכול שאני מרבה את העור משהופשט? תלמוד לומר 'בגד'. מה בגד מיוחד לקבל טומאה וראוי לכיבוס, אף כל המקבל טומאה; יצא דבר שאינו מקבל טומאה – אינו ראוי לכיבוס. 6) "a garment": This tells me only of a garment (as requiring washing). Whence do I derive for inclusion stripped (animal) hide? From "what (i.e., anything that) has been sprinkled upon you shall wash." I might think to include (even) hide which has not been stripped. It is, therefore, written "a garment." Just as a garment is fit to acquire tumah, so all tings that are fit to acquire tumah (are included, excluding unstripped hide). These are the words of R. Yehudah. R. Eliezer says: "a garment": This tells me only of a garment. Whence do I derive for inclusion a sack and any (other) thing that acquires tumah? From "what has been sprinkled upon you shall wash." I might think to include hide (immediately) after it has been stripped, (before it has been made a kli, an "implement"). It is, therefore, written "a garment." Just as a garment, which acquires tumah, (being a kli), requires washing, so, all things that acquire tumah, require washing, excluding a thing which, not acquiring tumah, (like an unstripped hide, not having been made a kli), does not require washing.
[ז] "תכבס במקום קדֹש" – מלמד שהכיבוס במקום קדוש הוא. כיצד? הבגד שיצא חוץ לקלעים – נכנס ומכבסו במקום קדוש. אין לי אלא כיבוס במקום קדוש; מנין אף שבירת כלי חרס במקום קדוש? תלמוד לומר "תכבס במקום קדֹש וכלי חרש..ישבר". 7) "You shall wash in a holy place": This teaches us that the washing must be done in a holy place. How so? A garment which went outside of the curtains (after blood had sprung upon it) must be returned and washed in a holy place. This tells me only of washing in a holy place. Whence do I derive the same for the breaking of earthenware vessels? From: (the juxtaposition) "shall be washed in a holy place (Vayikra 6:21) And an earthenware vessel … shall be broken." Whence do I derive the same for the scouring of copper vessels? From (Vayikra 6:21): "And if it is cooked in a copper vessel, etc."
[ח] מכאן אמרו: בגד שיצא חוץ לקלעים – נכנס ומכבסו במקום קדוש נטמא חוץ לקלעים – קורעו ונכנס ומכבסו במקום קדוש כלי חרס שיצא חוץ לקלעים – נכנס ושוברו במקום קדוש נטמא חוץ לקלעים – נוקבו ונכנס ושוברו במקום קדוש כלי נחושת שיצא חוץ לקלעים – נכנס ומורקו ושוטפו במקום קדוש. 8) From here they ruled: A garment which went outside of the curtains must be returned and washed in a holy place. If it became tamei outside of the curtains, (and it is forbidden to bring things that are tamei into the azarah), it must be torn and returned and be washed in a holy place. An earthenware vessel which went outside of the curtains must be returned and broken in a holy place. If it became tamei outside of the curtains, it must be punctured and returned and broken in a holy place. A copper vessel which went outside of the curtains must be returned and scoured and rinsed in a holy place. If it became tamei outside of the curtains, it must be "reduced" and returned, and scoured and rinsed in a holy place.