[א] אילו אומר 'והבאת אשר יעשה מאלה לה' והקריבה אל הכהן והגישה אל המזבח' יכול אין לטעון הגשה אלא הקומץ בלבד; ומנין לרבות את המנחה? תלמוד לומר (ויקרא ו, ז) 'מנחה'. מנין לרבות את כל המנחות? תלמוד לומר "את המנחה" 1) (Vayikra 2:8) If it were written (only) "And you shall bring what shall be made of these to the L–rd, and he (the donor) shall present it to the Cohein, and he shall touch it to the altar," I might think that only the fistful alone required "touching." Whence would I derive that the entire meal-offering is intended? It is, therefore, written ("And you shall bring the) meal-offering." And whence is it derived that this includes the meal-offering of a sinner for "touching"? From "the meal-offering."
[ב] יכול אין לטעון הגשה אלא מנחת נדבה; מנחת חובה מנין? ודין הוא! נאמר "הבא מנחת נדבה" ו"הבא מנחת חובה": מה מנחת נדבה טעונה הגשה, אף מנחת חוטא – תטען הגשה. 2) For I might think that only a gift meal-offering required "touching," and not a mandatory one. And it would, indeed, follow that this is so, viz.: It is written that a gift meal-offering is brought, and it is written that a mandatory meal-offering is brought. Just as a gift meal-offering requires "touching," so, a mandatory meal-offering requires "touching."
[ג] לא! אם אמרת במנחת נדבה – שהיא טעונה שמן ולבונה! מנחת סוטה תוכיח! שאינה טעונה שמן ולבונה וטעונה הגשה! 3) — No, it may be that a gift meal-offering requires "touching" because it requires oil and frankincense (as opposed to a mandatory meal-offering, which does not.) — This is refuted by the meal-offering of a sotah (a woman suspected of adultery), which does not require oil and frankincense, but which does require "touching."
[ד] לא! אם אמרת במנחת סוטה – שהיא טעונה תנופה, תאמר במנחת חוטא שאינה טעונה תנופה!? הרי אתה דן מבנין אב: לא מנחת נדבה שהיא טעונה שמן ולבונה כהרי מנחת שוטה שאינה טעונה שמן ולבונה, ולא מנחת שוטה שהיא טעונה תנופה כהרי מנחת נדבה שאינה טעונה תנופה 4) — No, this may be so with the meal-offering of a sotah, which requires waving, but not with the meal-offering of a sinner, which does not require waving. — It may be derived by binyan av ([see Baraitha d'R. Yishmael, principle 3] that the meal-offering of a sinner requires "touching."), viz.: A gift meal-offering, which requires oil and frankincense, is not like the meal-offering of a sotah, which does not require oil and frankincense. And the meal-offering of a sotah, which requires waving, is not like a gift meal-offering, which does not require waving.
[ה] הצד השוה שבהן ששוו לקמיצה ושוו להגשה, אף אני אביא מנחת חוטא ששָוְתה להם לקמיצה – שתשוה להם להגשה! 5) What is common to both is that they are similar in (requiring) the fistful and similar in (requiring) "touching" — I shall likewise adduce the meal-offering of the sinner, which is similar to them in (requiring) the fistful as being similar to them in (requiring) "touching."
[ו] או, מה להצד השוה שבהם ששוו לבא בעשיר כבעני וטעונות הגשה… תלמוד לומר "המנחה" – אחד מנחת נדבה ואחד מנחת חוטא, זו וזו טעונות הגשה. ר' שמעון אומר "והבאת" – לרבות מנחת העומר להגשה שנאמר (ויקרא כג, י) "והבאתם את עומר ראשית קצירכם אל הכהן". "והקריבה" – לרבות מנחת סוטה להגשה שנאמר (במדבר ה, כה) "והקריב אותה אל המזבח". 6) — But, their ("strategic") common factor might be that they are similar in being offered by both rich and poor and requiring "touching" (as opposed to the meal-offering of a sinner, which is offered by a poor man only); it is, therefore, written: "the (implying "any") meal-offering," to indicate both a gift meal-offering and the meal-offering of a sinner as requiring "touching." R. Shimon says: "And you shall bring" — to include the meal-offering of the omer as requiring "touching," it being written (Ibid. 23:10): "And you shall bring the omer, the first of your harvest to the Cohein"; "and he shall present it" — to include the meal-offering of the sotah as requiring "touching," it being written (Bamidbar 5:25): "And he shall present it (the sotah's meal-offering) to the altar."