This book was a joy to write. Mah ahavti Toratekha, kol hayom hi siĥati (How I do so love Your Torah, it is my constant companion). Thanks first and foremost to my husband Ira, for making Torah our constant companion, for cherishing this land along with me, and for your endless support and sunny cheer. You have always inspired me. May we merit much naĥat from each other and from our children.
The past three years of researching and writing about the shevatim has given me great insight into mothering different personalities. Ruvi, Kayla, Bat-Chen, Shalva, Tziona, and Tzvi Aryeh (Chachi): I hope that you’ve enjoyed this creative process alongside your Ema, and I thank each of you for being so caring and loving. Continue to be benei Torah and ohavei ha-Aretz. Abba and I couldn’t be prouder!
I am indebted to my rebbeim, Rabbi Matis Weinberg and Rabbi Ari Kahn, for the years of shiurim, for their invaluable sefarim, and for their sage advice. Rebbe, you have guided our family for many years, and may Ira and I be zokheh to always continue to learn Torah and menschlichkeit at your feet.
So many teachers have opened up worlds to me; I must mention Rebbetzin Nechama Frand, Professor Barry Eichler, Professor Gary Rendsberg, the late Moshe Arend, z”l, and especially Dr. Bryna Levy, whose skill in transmitting true passion for Torah is legendary for good reason. Eyal Meiron, Shai Baitner, and Era Rappaport are masterful guides who motivated me early on in my career as a tour guide to “explore all the cracks and crevices of Eretz Yisrael, but do so barefoot – for with every step you are treading on pesukim (biblical verses).”1Credited to Yehuda Ziv.
I consider some sefarim my dearest companions; they certainly were indispensable in writing this manuscript. Firstly, R. Arye Hendler’s חן מקום and R. Matis Weinberg’s Frameworks sit lovingly on my shelf next to my Tanakh, and inspire me anew every time. The עולם התנ״ך series is timeless, as is מדריך ישראל. I thank Professor James Kugel for his significant contribution to the study of early biblical exegesis; his extremely readable The Bible as It Was has helped many students like myself deepen our appreciation for a wide variety of ancient source material. Dvir Raviv and Netanel Ellinson’s new series, המדריך למטייל בשומרון, as well as Yoel Elitzur’s recent המקום בפרשה, proved extremely useful, as you can see on these pages.
Every page of this work reflects the wisdom of my editor and friend, the exceptionally talented Batnadiv HaKarmi-Weinberg, who also contributed the frontispiece. Anne Gordon’s expert copyediting polished everything to a high sheen. I thank Chava Boylan Neustadter and Raphaël Freeman of Renana Publishers for their patience and professionalism in helping this first-timer navigate the complexities of producing a book. Thank you to the ever-gracious Michael Silverstein for preparing the maps and the overall graphic design of the book. The gorgeous artwork which graces the cover and opening page of each chapter is courtesy of Jerusalem artist Bracha Lavee.
The second edition of this book was nurtured along by my dear friend and publisher, the perpetually cheerful Mechael Pomeranz; Mechael, I hope our paths cross often, so that I may continue to learn from your gentle and genteel ways.
This edition benefited primarily from the addition of Rabbanit Shani Taragin’s foreword. Wisdom and grace compete for dominance in Shani, a ma’ayan mitgaber figure to her thousands of students worldwide. Shani, epitome of Yehudah – I am modeh to an אהבה שאינה תלויה בדבר. May your voice, in shiur or on the written page, continue to inspire multitudes.
Many thanks are due to my friends Chana Tannenbaum and Esti Herskowitz, who each read through the manuscript and offered extremely helpful feedback. Thanks as well to Elli Fischer, for help with translating a difficult passage in the Paĥad Yitzĥak; to Yair Shalev, for many insightful hours spent in conversation about the eastern Shomron; and to Shai Baitner, for sharing his expertise in Jordan.
Thank you to my dearest in-laws, Helaine and Richard Weissman, for always having my back and showering us all with so much love and support. Mostly, though, I thank you for making Ira into the man, husband, and father he is today – without him, there would be no book!
This work is dedicated to my parents, Barbara and Kenneth Lasson, who always believed in me and supported me, giving me the unconditional love that allowed me to pursue my passions. May this book give you much joy, and may you continue to have only naĥat from your children and grandchildren.
Finally, thank you to the Borei Olam, who has sustained us and brought us home, allowing us to live in this miraculous time. May Jacob’s vision be realized, in our days.
לישועתך קויתי, ה׳!