“This same day at Nob, he shall stand, etc.” [10:32]. Sennacherib soon came before the city of Jerusalem. When he came to the city of Nob, which was near Jerusalem; one could easily see Jerusalem. When he saw Jerusalem, he said: what kind of city is this? He lifted his hand against the city and said: what kind of city is this that I have besieged with a great multitude. I have conquered many strong cities in my day. However, he was very upset that he had to run away from the city.
“Lo, the Sovereign Lord of Hosts, etc.” [10:33]. Thus, God the Lord cut off the strong branches with the roots and the tall tree in the forest. That is to say, the strong kings and ministers who are branches of Sennacherib. The Holy One cut them down and destroyed them.
“And the Lebanon trees will fall” [10:34]. These are the ministers who ruled many peoples, who were with Sennacherib. Just like the tree in the forest, they fell into the hands of an angel who killed them. In one night, he blew into each of Sennacherib’s men’s noses his fiery thread and they all died in the night that he remained in Nob.1B. Sanhedrin, 95b.
“A shoot shall come from the stump of Jesse, a twig shall sprout from his stock” [11:1]. Isaiah prophesied: do not wonder that I, God, performed this miracle here with Sennacherib. I will do many more miracles in the days of the Messiah, to redeem them from their exile. A king will arise in Israel from the stock of Jesse. The first dynasty came from Jesse and this same root shall sprout a branch to be the Messiah. Israel, who were dispersed in all the lands will be redeemed through this Messiah.2Rashi, Isaiah, 11:1; Radak, Isaiah, 11:1.
“The spirit of the Lord shall alight on him, a spirit of wisdom and understanding, etc.” [11:2]. The spirit of God and prophecy will rest on this Messiah and he will have all wisdom and understanding. His words will be about the fear of the Holy One. He will judge Israel with wisdom and through prophecy and not like a person who judges on the basis of his own thoughts. Sometimes the person is wrong in his understanding. However, the Messiah will judge with prophecy and great wisdom. Everything will occur properly and even for poor people and widows where the common practice is that they do not receive proper justice. However, the Messiah will judge the poor and the wealthy properly. He will pun- ish those people who do not listen to him with his mouth. He will curse them and they will die because of the curse. He does not need to seek strong people who used to beat up those who would not follow his rulings. God will stand by him and will give him spirit and strength, because the Messiah will praise the Lord.
“The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, etc.” [11:6]. A wolf will live with a sheep and the wolf will not do anything to the sheep. A cow and a bear will eat in the same field. A lion will eat straw like a cow and he will not desire to eat cows or attack them, as he used to do. The Holy One has promised all this to Israel. They will have great peace in the days of the Messiah. They will be full of wisdom from God. Their wisdom will be as great as the waters that cover the depths of the oceans.
“On that day” [11:10]. On the day that the Messiah will come, they will run after the Messiah like people go to war. They all follow the banner. So will the Messiah go, like a banner, and they will do what the Messiah will command. Therefore, he will have great honor and the nations will come to him. He will have great rest and they will all serve him.
“In that day, My Lord will apply His hand again, etc.” [11:11]. In that day, God will gather Israel from all the lands, like he gathered them out of Egypt and God will make a great banner and will gather Israel from all the corners of the world. The jealousy and hatred that previously existed among Israel will be removed.
“They will pounce on the back of Philistia, etc.” [11:14]. And Israel will run quickly as if they were flying with wings at the Philistines to kill them and destroy their god. Israel will also rob and kill Edom, Moab, and Ammon.
“The Lord will utterly destroy the tongue of the sea” [11:15]. The Holy One will dry up the sea, so that the sea will not hinder them in the expectation that Israel will easily come into their land. It will be completely dry and the other rivers of Egypt will be cut up; the rivers of Egypt will cut be up into seven pieces. That is to say, there will be seven paths through the water.
“There shall be a highway, etc.” [11:16]. There will be a road on which they will go through the great rivers with the shoes on their feet being dry, just like when Israel went out of Egypt, they went through the sea on dry land.
“In that day, you shall say, etc.” [12:1]. In that day you will say: I am obligated to praise God that You were justly angry with me and sent me into exile. You have done an additional favor for me that you have redeemed me from the exile, even though I have committed many sins. I was not worthy to be redeemed from the exile.3Radak, Isaiah, 12:1.
“Surely God is my salvation” [12:2]. God was my help and I relied on him. I did not fear in the exile when the help from God was strong.
“Joyfully you shall draw water, etc.” [12:3]. You will draw water from a well that will never cease. It will always give water. So too, is our help from the Holy One. It will never cease.4Radak, Isaiah, 12:3.
“You shall say on that day, praise the Lord” [12:4]. You will say on that day, praise the Lord; call on His help and on His holy name. Make known His deeds; remind them how strong is His name. Praise God when he has done mighty deeds, let them be known in the whole land.
“Shout for joy” [12:6]. Rejoice, those who dwell in Zion, for the Holy One of Israel is great among you. That is to say, the Holy One who does great wonders and miracles with you.
We recite this haftorah on Passover because the haftorah speaks about how the Messiah will come and how the Holy One killed Sennacherib and his people on Passover. The Messiah will also come on Passover, to perform miracles for us. Amen.