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Parshat Metzorah: "Leprosy," the Gossip Disease
Picking up where we stopped scratching in the last Torah portion, it's back to infestations in Metzorah. But as Rabbi Steve Greenberg explains, a "tzara'at" rash can infiltrate your clothes and your house...not just your skin. Tune in for tips on staying disease-free. Fun fact: this was Executive Director Jordan Gill's Bar Mitzvah parsha.
Sarah Lefton2818 ViewsFebruary 7, 2018Metzorah,Animation,Video
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Toldot: Jacob, Esau, and Tough Talk About Cheating
Nechama Tamler digs into the family infighting of our ancestors, from Jacob tricking Esau into giving up his birthright to Rebekah's part in the scheme.
Sarah Lefton2380 ViewsFebruary 7, 2018
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Parshat Nitzavim: Dahlia Lithwick talks about "signing" a covenant
Moses lays it out for us this week in Nitzavim. We can choose life, or death. Blessing, or the curse. But what's behind Door Number 3? Dahlia Lithwick knows. Dahlia Lithwick is a contributing editor at Newsweek and senior editor at Slate. She writes "Supreme Court Dispatches" and "Jurisprudence" and has covered the Microsoft trial and other legal issues for Slate.
Sarah Lefton1878 ViewsFebruary 7, 2018
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YA Author David Levithan on Parshat Vezot Habracha
It's the end. Only....not. Tune in for the final Torah parsha (portion) in the which some things are resolved, and some things are opened anew. Guest narrator, superstar youth writer David Levithan talks about having an ending worthy of a life...and a life worthy of a story. This is NOT the last episode; tune in next week to see how everything starts, again.
Sarah Lefton1713 ViewsFebruary 7, 2018
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Parshat Beha'alotcha: Animated Bluegrass Music Video and Source Sheet
Lots of stuff happens in Beha'alotcha, the parsha so eventful you can't pronounce its name without going to rabbinical school. It's raining chicken! Hallejuah! And trumpets and divine wrath! Jon Madof and Charlie Buckholtz strapped on their banjos and wrote a folksong about it.
Sarah Lefton2207 ViewsFebruary 7, 2018
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Parshat Pekudei: Animated Torah portion in 4 minutes
This week's Torah story is about drawing close to God. Tiny Ninja Theater's Dov Weinstein tells a hilarious tale of love, devotion and building a future together with your Significant Other.
Sarah Lefton2408 ViewsFebruary 7, 2018
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Parshat Beshalach: Three Animated Takes
Three different animated takes on this week's parsha from a writer, an entrepreneur and a rabbi working for social justice.
Sarah Lefton1996 ViewsFebruary 7, 2018
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Parshat Vayelech with Mayim Bialik of Big Bang Theory
Hats off to Mayim Bialik (aka TV's Blossom) for her profound yet totally practical look at Parshat Vayelech! Step right up and learn about how you can live a good life. Walk the walk, talk the talk, and actually write your own Torah! Instructions are in the episode.
Sarah Lefton2327 ViewsFebruary 7, 2018
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Parshat Miketz: Joseph interprets dreams
Parshat Miketz is positively dreamy. From cows to corn, this story is full of enigmatic clues to what's up in Egypt. Sociologist Tobin Belzer brings us inside the brain of the great dream interpreter: Joseph.
Sarah Lefton2220 ViewsFebruary 7, 2018
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Parshat Re'eh: A Music Video Based on Moses's Words to the Israelites
Chanan Rosin, of the Jerusalem band Majuda, sings about life and how to live it in Torah Parshat Re'eh. Blessings in your life and on the land can be yours, a father tells his infant twins...and Moses tells the Children of Israel...if only they will follow the advice of another "parent."
Sarah Lefton2024 ViewsFebruary 7, 2018
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Vayechi: Jacob Blesses his Sons, in Rhyme!
After journeys, revelations, struggles and visions, our ancestors take stock of their blessings in this week's Torah parsha, the last one in Bereshit - closing out the book of Genesis. Marcus J. Freed - poet, teacher, playwright and actor - gives voice - or is that voices? - to the whole thing.
Sarah Lefton2665 ViewsFebruary 7, 2018
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Vayakhel: Learn the Torah portion in 4 minutes of music (weekly parsha)
The Children of Israel brought what their hearts moved them to bring in the building of the first Sanctuary...and this week's Torah portion is brought to you from singer/songwriter Alicia Jo Rabins' heart. Tune in for a musical piece - about art - from a consummate musician and artist.
Sarah Lefton2424 ViewsFebruary 7, 2018
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Shemini: The Kosher Animal Song
Parsha Shemini is best known for the Jewish dietary laws of kashrut, or keeping kosher. Naturally, we turned that into a bluegrass song!
Sarah Lefton2691 ViewsFebruary 7, 2018
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Parshat Yitro: The Ten Commandments, Beyond The Two Tablets?
Go beyond the Ten Commandments in this week's Torah portion. -- Overworked? Got no time for friends or family? Take a tip from Yitro. In this week's Torah portion, Leah Jones shares with us some wisdom from Moses's non-Jewish father-in-law that pretty much changes the course of Jewish history.
Sarah Lefton3327 ViewsFebruary 7, 2018
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Parshat Vayishlach: Who Did Jacob Actually Wrestle?
What's the deal with Jacob and the Angel? Learn what happened in this week's Torah portion. -- Ready to rumble? Award-winning novelist Dara Horn brings a real chiddush - new angle - to the incredible story of Jacob's midnight wrestling match. Prepare to get the wind knocked out of you.
Sarah Lefton2210 ViewsFebruary 7, 2018
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Parshat Vayikra: Why were Ancient Sacrifices Important?
Welcome to Leviticus - in Hebrew, the book of Vayikra. Plunge into the wild world of Biblical sacrifice with the spiritual insight of Rachel Kohl Finegold, whose clear and inspiring explanation of animal sacrifice brings all the gory details to life! Welcome to Parshat Vayikra.
Sarah Lefton2454 ViewsFebruary 7, 2018
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Parshat Vayigash: The Moral Compasses of Reuben, Joseph, and Judah
When Joseph first tests his brothers, Judah gets a chance to prove how far he's come. Rabbi Sydney Mintz tells about the three moral compasses of three very different brothers.
Sarah Lefton2096 ViewsFebruary 7, 2018
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Parshat Vayigash: Joseph's Family Reunion
Are you ready for Joseph's big reveal? Judah and his brothers are in for an ancient Biblical extreme makeover, as Liz Nord tells the tale, when they find out who's really Pharoah's right hand man in Egypt.
Sarah Lefton1715 ViewsFebruary 7, 2018
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Parshat Vayetze: The Real Housewives of Canaan
In this week's Torah portion, meet Jacob's family...and pay attention: there's a lot of members. Count yourself lucky - you've got expert Esther Kustanowitz helping you keep score in a soap opera of, well, biblical proportions.
Sarah Lefton2836 ViewsFebruary 7, 2018
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Parshat Vayeshev: Joseph and his Colorful Coat
Learn about Joseph and his Colorful Coat in this week's Torah portion. -- Remember Joseph? Yeah, the many-colored-coat guy. Well, it seems to bring out the nasty in a bunch of Original Ganstas - Joseph's bros. Hip Hop artist Daniel Silverstein (aka Danny Raphael) lays down the story for us in rhyme.
Sarah Lefton3242 ViewsFebruary 7, 2018
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