A Collection of Translations (with occasional sources and additional texts) of R. Yitzchak Hutner's Discourses on Purim.
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Pachad Yitzchak - Purim Ma'amar 20 "The Day When God Steps In"
R. Hutner explicates the well-known relationship of hishtadlut vs bitachon - personal effort vs trust/faith in God to provide. He finds a mirror to this duality in the relationship of Purim to the rest of the year, through the lens of the mitzvah of erasing Amalek.
Gabe Greenberg388 ViewsFebruary 14, 2024
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Pachad Yitzchak - Purim Ma'amar 34 "Like a Lantern in the Morning"
An exploration of Pachad Yitzchak: Purim 34. A comparison between Purim and Pesach, focused on Purim's unique relationship to the theology of a "hidden" God.
Gabe Greenberg3902 ViewsFebruary 18, 2019Passover,God,Theology,Purim,Esther
Save "Sheet 157860"