Step-by-step instructions and sheets with suggested texts to facilitate a program where students learn a text, study it with someone else and record the conversation.
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DIY Torah Talks
Students learn a text, study it with a special study buddy, and record the conversation. The sheet includes instructions for the activity.
Sefaria Education1595 ViewsApril 14, 2021Shavuot,Revelation,Lesson Plan
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I Took You Out of Egypt
Students discuss a short piece of text in small groups using the texts provided and the "jumping off" questions. A full lesson plan of students learning together and recording their conversation can be found on DIY Torah Talks. The texts were chosen for middle school students and up. Questions can be adapted for a variety of ages.
Sefaria Education1273 ViewsApril 20, 2021Shavuot,Ten Commandments
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Using Our Senses
Students discuss a short piece of text in small groups using the texts provided and the "jumping off" questions. A full lesson plan of students learning together and recording their conversation can be found on DIY Torah Talks. The texts were chosen for middle school students and up. Questions can be adapted for a variety of ages.
Sefaria Education1105 ViewsApril 20, 2021Shavuot,Senses,Revelation
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One Nation, One Heart
Students discuss a short piece of text in small groups using the texts provided and the "jumping off" questions. A full lesson plan of students learning together and recording their conversation can be found on DIY Torah Talks. The texts were chosen for middle school students and up. Questions can be adapted for a variety of ages.
Sefaria Education2346 ViewsApril 20, 2021Shavuot,Unity,Revelation
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