This delicious haroset recipe, a staple of Bill and Judith Kates’ seder, comes from the Luzzatto family of Venice. Members of the Luzzatto family have been in Venice since at least 1541. The recipe is taken from Joan Nathan, The Jewish Holiday Kitchen (New York: Schocken Books Inc., 1988), 177. Bill, the maker of this haroset, suggests the following modifications: After removing stems from the figs and cutting the dates in half, freeze the dates, figs, and apricots. Then use a Cuisinart to chop up the frozen fruit.
1 ½ cups chestnut paste
10 ounces dates, chopped
12 ounces figs, chopped
2 tablespoons poppy seeds
½ cup chopped walnuts
½ cup chopped almonds
½ cup pine nuts
Grated rind of 1 orange
½ cup of white raisins
¼ cup dried apricots
½ cup brandy
Honey to bind