The above Tree of Life is unique. It shows the sefirot from which the concept of number emanated in the first instance. Inscribed in them appears the series of the first prime numbers, the bricks or roots that build all existing numbers.
The sum of all numbers from Keter to Malkhut is 100. In the cabalistic tradition, the number 100 is considered a symbol of perfection and completeness. This is because inside every sefirah there's a reflection of the full tree of life and its 10 sefirot.
The 100th prime number is 541 and 541 is the gematria of Israel. This is also the value we get when summing up the initial name of all the sefirot, but using the name Gedulah instead of Jesed:
כ + ח + ב + ג + ג + ת + נ + ה + י + מ = 541

The image above shows the Zeir Anpin or the six sefirot that comprises the world of Yetzirah.
The numbers of these sefirot sum 72. This is the gematria of Jessed. 72 refers to the names of G·d. And the number 72 appears again when taking into account the lower Zeir Anpin and Malkhut as shown in the image below.

There's another interesting number reflection in this Tree of Life. The number 23 shown in Malkhut also appears when summing the upper sefiroth in the Zeir Anpin: Jessed (5), Guevurah (7) and Tiferet (11).
Number 23 is connected with the 23 chromosome pairs. Half come from the mother (left side of the tree); the other half come from the father (right side). Two of the chromosomes (the X and the Y chromosome) determine your sex as male or female when you are born.
But what if instead of including the 0 into Keter we add number 1?
Then the sum of the numbers will add to 101. The number 101 is the 26th prime number and 26 is the gematria of the name YHVH.