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Ahasuerus' Party
in the third year of his reign, he gave a banquet for all the officials and courtiers—the administration of Persia and Media, the nobles and the governors of the provinces in his service. For no fewer than a hundred and eighty days he displayed the vast riches of his kingdom and the splendid glory of his majesty. At the end of this period, the king gave a banquet for seven days in the court of the king’s palace garden for all the people who lived in the fortress Shushan, high and low alike. [There were hangings of] white cotton and blue wool…
Esther 1:3-11
Because there are feasts in which they coerce those seated to drink [the contents] of a large vessel, and some can only drink it with difficulty, but here it was “with no coercion.”
Rashi on Esther 1:8:1
“Upon the completion of [
] those days” – it is written
[plene, with the extra
], “the king made for all the people who were present…a banquet for seven days.” Rav and Shmuel: One said: Seven, besides the one hundred and eighty. And Shmuel said: Seven, included in the one hundred and eighty. Rabbi Simon said: This Shushan citadel was like a royal court, stocked with food and drink. Rabbi Ḥanina bar Pappa said: The great men of the generation were there and they fled. Rabbi Ḥanina bar Atal said: Jews were there at that feast…
Esther Rabbah 2:5
The students of Rabbi Shimon bar Yoḥai asked him: For what
were the enemies of Jewish people,
a euphemism for the Jewish people themselves when exhibiting behavior that is not in their best interests,
in that generation deserving of annihilation? He,
Rabbi Shimon,
said to them: Say
the answer to your question
yourselves. They said to him: It is because they partook of the feast of that wicked one,
Ahasuerus, and they partook there of forbidden foods. Rabbi Shimon responded:
If so, those in Shushan should have been killed
as punishment…
Megillah 12a:9-15
“To do as every man desired.” The Holy One blessed be He said: ‘I do not fulfill the wishes of all My creatures, and you seek “to do as every man desired?”’ The way of the world is that if two men seek to marry one woman, can she marry them both? Rather, it is either to one, or to the other. Likewise, if two ships were waiting in harbor, one seeking a north wind and one seeking a south wind, can one wind propel both of them together? Rather, it is either for one or for the other. Tomorrow, two people will come before you for judgment, a Jewish man, and an adversary and enemy…
Esther Rabbah 2:14
“If it pleases the king, let it be written to eliminate them and I will weigh out ten thousand talents of silver by the hands of the king's craftsmen, to bring to the king's treasuries” (Esther 3:9).
“If it pleases the king, let it be written to eliminate them.” Reish Lakish said: At the moment that Haman the wicked said to Aḥashverosh: ‘Come let us eliminate Israel from the world,’ Aḥashverosh said to him: ‘You cannot overcome them, because their God does not abandon them at all. Come see what He did to the kings who came before us who extended their hand against them…
Esther Rabbah 7:13
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