Atonement, or kapparah in Hebrew, is the process of bringing about forgiveness for a sin. In the Jewish textual tradition, atonement may be achieved through repentance, prayer, sacrifice, punishment, the rituals of Yom Kippur, and other methods.
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The Four Types of AtonementMIDRASH
The Four Types of Atonement
There are different ways to atone for different kinds of sins. The ancient midrash on the book of Exodus, Mekhilta DeRabbi Yishmael, presents four types of atonement.
The Conditions for AtonementMISHNAH
The Conditions for Atonement
Understanding the roles of intention, sacrifice, repentance, and interpersonal reconciliation in achieving atonement is central to understanding the Jewish approach to sin and forgiveness. The Mishnah, the earliest codification of Jewish law from the third-century land of Israel, outlines these factors in the context of Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement.
A Leader's RoleTANAKH
A Leader's Role
What is a leader's role when the group they lead performs a grievous sin? In the book of Exodus, the Israelites build and worship a golden calf, leading Moses to intercede with God on their behalf.
The Life-Blood of AtonementTANAKH
The Life-Blood of Atonement
Blood is essential for atonement in sacrificial practices because it represents life and is used on the altar to make expiation for one's life. The book of Leviticus explains the significance of blood in the process of atonement, stating that 'it is the blood, as life, that effects expiation.'
The Power of Sincere RepentanceCOMMENTARY
The Power of Sincere Repentance
Sincere repentance is essential to achieving atonement. Rabbi David Kimchi, a renowned 12th-century biblical commentator, emphasizes the importance of genuine teshuvah (repentance) in his commentary on Genesis.
Speech or Sprinkling? TALMUD
Speech or Sprinkling?
What acts must a person perform to achieve atonement? The Babylonian Talmud in tractate Yoma debates whether atonement is achieved through the act of sprinkling the blood of a sacrifice or through verbal confession.
Past and Future CHASIDUT
Past and Future
Atonement requires both preparing for the future and trying to repair the past. In his Chasidic work, Tzidkat HaTzadik, R. Tzadok HaKohen of Lublin explains how one can achieve righteousness and sanctity by addressing both future actions and past transgressions.
Death of the Righteous AtonesMIDRASH
Death of the Righteous Atones
Besides for rituals that enact atonement, death also achieves atonement. The fifth-century midrash on the book of Leviticus, Vayikra Rabbah, investigates why so many deaths of biblical characters are narrated alongside instructions for rituals of atonement.
Atonement Without the TempleHALAKHAH
Atonement Without the Temple
In the absence of the Temple and its sacrifices, teshuvah (repentance) and day of Atonement, Yom Kippur, are essential for achieving atonement. Rambam, in this 12th-century legal code, the Mishneh Torah, outlines the kinds of sins for which teshuvah and Yom Kippur effect atonement.
Purification of the AltarCOMMENTARY
Purification of the Altar
The purification of the altar was a part of the ancient Yom Kippur ritual during the times of the Tabernacle and the later Temples. Rabbi Naphtali Zvi Yehuda Berlin, in his 19th-century commentary, Haamek Davar, discusses the purification rituals for the altar on Yom Kippur.
The Spiritual Power of CharityJEWISH THOUGHT
The Spiritual Power of Charity
Giving charity (tzedakah) does not just benefit the recipient. According to Maharal of Prague in his 16th-century work Netivot Olam, God rewards the giver and is inclined to be more generous with those who practice generosity.
Atonement for the MoonJEWISH THOUGHT
Atonement for the Moon
According to tradition, both the sun and the moon were of great size at creation, and God diminished the moon because they could not both be great. Rabbi Yom Tov Lipmann Heller, quoting Rif, explains how God appeased the diminished moon.
The Root of AtonementREFERENCE
The Root of Atonement
Central to the idea of atonement is the Hebrew root for it, 'כִּפֶּר' (kipper). Understanding the etymology and linguistic nuances of Hebrew opens doors to deeper understanding of the concept.
The Controversy of KapparotHALAKHAH
The Controversy of Kapparot
The ancient ritual of kapparot — slaughtering a chicken as a means of atoning before Yom Kippur — had become controversial before the 16th century. Rabbis Joseph Karo and Moses Isserles represent both pro- and anti- kapparot positions.
Atonement Beyond SacrificeTALMUD
Atonement Beyond Sacrifice
Atonement can be achieved through Torah study and acts of kindness, not just sacrifices. The Talmudic tractate Yevamot recounts how Rabba and Abaye, descendants of the house of Eli, extended their lives through these means.
The Righteous as Living SacrificesKABBALAH
The Righteous as Living Sacrifices
Sacrifices were required to be without blemish. The Zohar, a central text of Jewish mysticism here suggests that righteous people are a means of atonement in this world.