The Ben Sorer Umoreh — known in English as the“wayward and rebellious son” — is a case discussed in Deuteronomy 21:18–21 This “rebellsious son” acts as a glutton and drunkard, does not listen to his parents, and is ultimately put to death. Rabbinic texts delve into the conditions under which one becomes a ben sorer umoreh and the scenario's moral complexities. Most opinions in rabbinic literature maintain that such a case never happened and never could happen.
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The Wayward and Defiant SonTANAKH
The Wayward and Defiant Son
The Torah outlines a communal process for addressing a wayward and defiant son. Deuteronomy, the fifth book of the Torah, presents the scenario and describes how such a son is to be treated, emphasizing the roles of parents and town elders.
Study and Receive RewardTALMUD
Study and Receive Reward
One dominant tradition in rabbinic tradition maintains that the case of the wayward and rebellious son never happened and never could happen. Tractate Sanhedrin in the Babylonian Talmud presents a formulation of this position.
Criteria for Severe PunishmentMISHNAH
Criteria for Severe Punishment
The Mishnah details specific conditions under which a son may be liable for severe punishment, particularly focusing on his consumption of meat and wine. This early third-century legal text examines the criteria for such a severe judgment, distinguishing between actions related to fulfilling commandments and those constituting transgressions.
The Conditions for a Rebellious SonMIDRASH
The Conditions for a Rebellious Son
The rabbis set stringent conditions for declaring a son as rebellious, including requiring both parents to be present and, according to Rabbi Yehuda, that the mother must be similar to the father. The Sifrei, a halachic midrash on Deuteronomy, explores the complex requirements and interpretations of the case of a rebellious son.
The Mystical Purpose of Challenging LawsKABBALAH
The Mystical Purpose of Challenging Laws
The dialogue between Moses and God reveals the deeper purpose behind the inclusion of certain challenging Torah laws. The Zohar, a foundational work of Jewish mysticism, presents this dialogue, highlighting the esoteric reasons for these Torah laws.
The Requirements for a Rebellious ChildHALAKHAH
The Requirements for a Rebellious Child
The Torah’s laws about a rebellious child include specific requirements for the parents, which highlight this law's complexity and ethical considerations. In his 12th-century legal code, the Mishneh Torah, Maimonides details the physical and functional requirements of the parents for a child to be judged as rebellious.
Rebellious Son: Practical or Theoretical?COMMENTARY
Rebellious Son: Practical or Theoretical?
The talmudic tractate Sanhedrin presents a tradition that the case of the wayward son never happened, followed by a testimony of Rabbi Yonatan claiming that he saw such a son and sat by his grave. Rabbeinu Bahya's biblical commentary explores Rabbi Yonatan's statement, suggesting different ways of understanding it.
The Role of Elders in Judging a Rebellious ChildTALMUD
The Role of Elders in Judging a Rebellious Child
The debate over whether the presence of elders is essential for judging a rebellious child serves of an example of how differing opinions in Jewish law are at times rooted in different understandings of the biblical text. The talmudic tractate Makkot explores this debate, focusing on the interpretation of Deuteronomy 21:19.
Lessons from the Rebellious SonMUSAR
Lessons from the Rebellious Son
The case of the wayward and rebellious son serves as a reminder of the consequences of disobedience and the importance of respecting parental authority. Orchot Tzadikim, a 16th-century Jewish ethical work, delves into the moral lessons of this case in Deuteronomy, emphasizing the need for obedience and character development.
The Impossible Conditions of a Rebellious SonTALMUD
The Impossible Conditions of a Rebellious Son
The conditions under which a son is considered "wayward and rebellious" are so specific that they make the application of this law almost impossible. The Jerusalem Talmud delves into the intricate requirements for a son to be labeled as a "deviant and rebellious son," including the necessity of stealing from his father and consuming the stolen goods elsewhere, with an additional opinion requiring theft from both parents.
The Judicial Process for a Rebellious SonTOSEFTA
The Judicial Process for a Rebellious Son
The trial and execution of a rebellious son involve complex legal procedures and specific requirements. The Tosefta, an ancient collection of rabbinic laws and teachings, provides detailed guidelines on the judicial process for serious offenses, including the necessity of specific judges and the timing of executions.
The Fate of the Rebellious SonCOMMENTARY
The Fate of the Rebellious Son
The Torah's law concerning the stubborn and rebellious son reveals a profound moral insight into the potential future consequences of unchecked behavior. Rabbi Jonathan Sacks explores the ethical and philosophical dimensions of this rarely applied law from Deuteronomy, as discussed in the Talmud.
The Purpose Behind the Law of the Rebellious SonCOMMENTARY
The Purpose Behind the Law of the Rebellious Son
Many maintain that the scenario of the "wayward and rebellious son" was written to instill awe and fear in sons, not to be practically applied. The 17th-century Torah commentary, Kli Yakar, by Rabbi Shlomo Ephraim ben Aaron Luntschitz, explains this law's educational and moral purpose.
Precursor to Future CrimesREFERENCE
Precursor to Future Crimes
Rabbi Yose, a sage from the Mishnah, argues that a disobedient son deserves the death penalty due to his gluttony, which is seen as a precursor to future crimes. The Jewish Spiritual Heroes, a 20th-century work of biographies of rabbinic sages, presents and discusses Rabbi Yose's position.
The Theoretical Rebellious SonGUIDES
The Theoretical Rebellious Son
The laws concerning a rebellious son are so stringent that they are practically impossible to meet, serving more as a theoretical and educational tool than a practical one. Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz's introduction to chapter eight of tractate Sanhedrin in the Babylonian Talmud discusses how the case of the "stubborn and rebellious son'" illustrates broader principles of Jewish law and communal order.
Deriving the Punishment for a Rebellious SonTALMUD
Deriving the Punishment for a Rebellious Son
The Talmud in tractate Sanhedrin derives the punishment of lashes for a stubborn and rebellious son through intricate verbal analogies and scriptural interpretations. It links the term 'chastise' in different contexts, establishing that it applies to both defamers and rebellious sons, thereby requiring flogging as part of the son's punishment.
The Self-Educating ChildCHASIDUT
The Self-Educating Child
The key to a child's spiritual and moral growth lies in understanding that they are their own primary educator. Rabbi Kalonymus Kalman Shapira, the Piaseczno Rebbe, in his early 20th-century work, Chovat HaTalmidim, emphasizes the importance of self-education and personal responsibility in a child's development.
The Exceptional Criteria for a Wayward SonCOMMENTARY
The Exceptional Criteria for a Wayward Son
The criteria for designating a "wayward and rebellious son" are so specific that they highlight the exceptional nature of this law. Rabbi Ovadiah of Bartenura’s 15th-century commentary on the Mishnah explains the precise age and physical development required for a son to be subject to this law.