The world of Beria is the second of the four worlds (after the supernal world of Adam Kadmon) that emanate and descend from another in the process of creation. According to one explanation, its name is derived from the Hebrew word bar, a term that connotes that which is external, implying that the world of Beria is a garment for the world of Atzilut. The world of Beria parallels the sefira of Bina, or the second level of creation, and it is the beginning point of the enclothing of Atzilut into a reality that created beings can receive. The world of Beria is also called the world of the throne, signifying the Divine lowering itself onto a throne, so to speak, to interact with its creations and the beginning of the revelation of the Divine to lower levels of existence. It is also known as the world of souls, since the created entities called souls begin to have significance as receivers of the supernal light. The angelic entities that exist in this world are called serafim.