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David and the Temple
David said, “Here will be the House of the L
and here the altar of burnt offerings for Israel.” David gave orders to assemble the aliens living in the land of Israel, and assigned them to be hewers, to quarry and dress stones for building the House of God. Much iron for nails for the doors of the gates and for clasps did David lay aside, and so much copper it could not be weighed, and cedar logs without number—for the Sidonians and the Tyrians brought many cedar logs to David. For David thought, “My son Solomon is an untried youth…
I Chronicles 22:1-8
There is no generation without scoffers. What did the hooligans of David’s generation do? They went to David’s windows and said to him: David, when will the Temple be built, when will we go to the Eternal’s house? David said, even though they intend to enrage me, something should come over me were I not happy,
I enjoy it when they say to me: let us go to the Lord’s house
When your days will be complete and you will lie with your forefathers
. The Holy One, praise to Him, said to David:, I am counting full days for you, I am not counting missing days for you…
Jerusalem Talmud Shekalim 2:5:7
Once he said:
“Now therefore arise, O Lord God, into your resting place, You, and the Ark of Your strength; Let your priests, O Lord God, be clothed with victory and let Your pious ones rejoice in goodness.
O Lord God, do not turn away the face of Your anointed; remember the faithful love of David Your servant”
(II Chronicles 6:41–42),
he was immediately answered. At that moment the faces of David’s enemies turned
like the
bottom of a pot, and all knew that the Holy One, Blessed be He, forgave him for that sin
involving Bathsheba…
Moed Katan 9a:19
After all, Shiloh, Nob, and Gibeon were not forever: none of them were the chosen site, about which the text says, “to the site that the Lord will choose” (Deut 12:26). Instead, it was this site, Mount Moriah, on which Abraham bound his son Isaac (Gen 22:9), which he called “the Lord will see” (Gen 22:14), and [concerning which] he said, “the mountain upon which the Lord shall appear” (ibid.)—meaning that He will appear on that mountain for all generations. When David saw the response he received there—the fire that descended there from the heavens upon his burnt offerings—he…
Radak on II Chronicles 6:2:1
This is as stated, “David then gave his son Solomon the plans for the Hall and its structures, storage rooms, upper chambers and inner rooms, and for the Chamber of the Ark-Cover, and the plans for all that he had with him by the Holy Spirit – for the courtyards of the Temple of
-יהו״ה and for all the chambers all around, for the storage rooms of the Temple of God, and for the treasuries of the consecrated items, as well as the plan for the divisions of the Priests (
) and the Levites, and for all the work of the service of the Temple of
Sha'arei Orah, First Gate, Tenth Sefirah 71
Even so, the unification was not very successful – at least not for long. Its most brilliant architect was King David, who united the people by making Jerusalem the capital city, and by initiating plans for the building of the Temple. It was this more than anything else that brought the tribes together, especially to celebrate the pilgrim festivals three times a year. Even so, the sheer brevity of the period of unity is astounding in retrospect. It was Solomon, Israel’s third king, who built the Temple…
Covenant and Conversation; Numbers; The Wilderness Years, Nasso, Tribes 7
Go and tell David My servant: So says the Lord: It will not be you who will build for Me a house in which to dwell,
Steinsaltz on I Chronicles 17:4
David was troubled by this condition of the שכינה, Divine Presence; he wanted G–d to have a permanent abode on earth in a fixed place. This is why he wanted to build a Temple, as opposed to the Tabernacle which by definition was a temporary structure, (cf. Samuel II 7,2) He could not abide the fact that whereas he, David, dwelled in a solid house, G–d should be content with a structure the ceiling of which consisted merely of hides and carpets. This is also the mystical dimension of Psalms 132,2: "When he swore to G–d, vowed to the Mighty One of Jacob: 'I will not enter my house…
Shenei Luchot HaBerit, Torah Shebikhtav, Terumah, Torah Ohr 4
The first four verses (1 Chronicles 29:10-13) relate Dovid's blessing to God, when he presented the gold, silver, and jewels he amassed for the construction of the Holy Temple. It was a day of great rejoicing as, following Dovid's example, the leaders and princes also presented generous gifts for the construction of the Temple.
Machzor Yom Kippur Ashkenaz Linear, The Morning Prayers, Ashrei 227
A song of ascents.
, remember in David’s favor
his extreme self-denial,
Psalms 132:1
See, by denying myself, I have laid aside for the House of the L
one hundred thousand talents of gold and one million talents of silver, and so much copper and iron it cannot be weighed; I have also laid aside wood and stone, and you shall add to them. An abundance of workmen is at your disposal—hewers, workers in stone and wood, and every kind of craftsman in every kind of material— gold, silver, copper, and iron without limit. Go and do it, and may the L
be with you.” David charged all the officers of Israel to support his son Solomon,…
I Chronicles 22:14-19
King David said to the entire assemblage, “God has chosen my son Solomon alone, an untried lad, although the work to be done is vast—for the temple is not for a man but for the L
God. I have spared no effort to lay up for the House of my God gold for golden objects, silver for silver, copper for copper, iron for iron, wood for wooden, onyx-stone and inlay-stone, stone of antimony and variegated colors—every kind of precious stone and much marble. Besides, out of my solicitude for the House of my God…
I Chronicles 29:1-10
But that same night the word of the L
came to Nathan: “Go and say to My servant David: Thus said the L
: Are you the one to build a house for Me to dwell in? From the day that I brought the people of Israel out of Egypt to this day I have not dwelt in a house, but have moved about in Tent and Tabernacle. As I moved about wherever the Israelites went, did I ever reproach any of the tribal leaders whom I appointed to care for My people Israel: Why have you not built Me a house of cedar?…
II Samuel 7:4-13
Aḥitophel was a man great in Torah. It is written:
David again assembled all young men in Israel, 30’000.
Rebbi Berekhiah in the name of Rebbi Abba bar Cahana: Ninety thousand Elders did David ordain on one day, but he did not ordain Aḥitophel with them. That is what is written:
David again assembled all young men in Israel, 30’000.
He added, 30’000. Again, 30’000, and the simple sense of the verse, 30’000; together 90’000. You find that at the moment when David came to carry the Ark of the Eternal’s Covenant, he did not carry it following the Torah…
Jerusalem Talmud Sanhedrin 10:2:20
David assembled all the officers of Israel—the tribal officers, the divisional officers who served the king, the captains of thousands and the captains of hundreds, and the stewards of all the property and cattle of the king and his sons, with the eunuchs and the warriors, all the men of substance—to Jerusalem. King David rose to his feet and said, “Hear me, my brothers, my people! I wanted to build a resting-place for the Ark of the Covenant of the L
, for the footstool of our God, and I laid aside material for building…
I Chronicles 28:1-19
“Then, Moses designated” – this is what the verse said: “One who loves silver will never be satisfied with silver [nor one who loves abundance with produce]” (Ecclesiastes 5:9). Do we not know that a person never satisfies himself? What is “with silver”? The Rabbis say: These are Torah scholars who love matters of Torah, which were compared to silver, as it is stated: “The acquisition of understanding is choicer than silver” (Proverbs 16:16). Rav Naḥman said: One who loves Torah is never satisfied with Torah…
Devarim Rabbah 2:26
Another matter: “On the day that [Moses] concluded” – it is not written here, “on the day that he erected,” but rather, “on the day that [Moses] concluded [
].” It was the day that demons were eliminated [
] from the world.
“It was on the day that Moses concluded…” – that is what is written: “The guardian of a fig tree will eat its fruit…” (Proverbs 27:18). It is speaking of Joshua, who attended to Moses, just as it says: “And his attendant, Joshua son of Nun, a lad, would not depart from within the tent” (Exodus 33:11)…
Bamidbar Rabbah 12:9
ראו גם
King David
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David and the Ark
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The House of David
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