Elijah — known as Eliyahu in Hebrew — was a prophet in the book of Kings who championed the worship of God during the reign of King Ahab, a time when many were turning to the worship of the Canaanite god, Ba'al. Elijah performed miracles to prove the superiority of the God of Israel. He never died but was taken to the heavens in a fiery chariot. He reappears in the Talmud to address difficult questions, and a cup is put out for him as part of the Passover seder. It is also believed that his return will signal that the arrival of the messiah is imminent.
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Elijah's Mission of ReconciliationTANAKH
Elijah's Mission of Reconciliation
Elijah's role is to reconcile families and prepare them for the coming of the awesome, fearful day of God. The prophet Malachi foretells Elijah's return to bring about reconciliation between parents and children before the Day of the LORD.
Elijah's Ascent to HeavenKABBALAH
Elijah's Ascent to Heaven
How could Elijah, a physical being, ascend to heaven when the heavens cannot bear even a mustard seed's worth of physicality from this world? The Zohar, a central text of Jewish mysticism, explores this profound theological and metaphysical question.
The Joy of OthersMUSAR
The Joy of Others
Bringing joy to others and alleviating their sadness is a path to being assured of the world to come. In his ethical work, Shemirat HaLashon, Rabbi Yisrael Meir Kagan, also known as the Chofetz Chaim, tells a story involving Elijah to emphasize the importance of positive interpersonal interactions.
The Fulfillment of Elijah's ProphecyTANAKH
The Fulfillment of Elijah's Prophecy
Elijah's prophecy about Jezebel's gruesome fate underscores his role as a prophet who delivers and sees through divine retribution. The Book of Kings II recounts the fulfillment of Elijah's prophecy, where Jezebel's body is devoured by dogs, leaving her remains scattered and unrecognizable.
Elijah, Ahab, and the Power of Divine CursesTALMUD
Elijah, Ahab, and the Power of Divine Curses
The interaction between Elijah, Ahab, and Hiel highlights the fulfillment of divine curses and the consequences of idol worship. In the Talmudic tractate Sanhedrin, the narrative explores the theological debate on the efficacy of divine curses and blessings.
Elijah's Fiery AscentLITURGY
Elijah's Fiery Ascent
Elijah's dramatic ascension to heaven in a chariot of fire is a powerful and mystical event in Jewish tradition. The Hosha'anot prayers, recited on Hosha'ana Rabba, invoke the prophet Elijah and his fiery ascent to heaven.
The Still Small VoiceCOMMENTARY
The Still Small Voice
God's presence is found not in grandiose displays of power, but in the 'still small voice' that requires attentive listening to perceive. Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, in his final compilation of essays, explores the profound spiritual lesson from Elijah's encounter with God on Mount Horeb.
The Cup of ElijahHALAKHAH
The Cup of Elijah
The anticipation of Elijah's appearance during the Passover Seder symbolizes the hope for complete redemption. Rabbi Eliezer Melamed’s contemporary work discusses the significance of the 'Cup of Elijah,' which is poured but not consumed, awaiting the prophet's arrival.
Elijah's Mission of Justice and PeaceMISHNAH
Elijah's Mission of Justice and Peace
Elijah is believed to return in the Messianic era to rectify injustices and bring peace. The Mishnah, an early third-century compilation of Jewish oral law, discusses the role of Elijah in resolving disputes and reconciling differences.
The Necessity of Proximity in Elijah's MiraclesJEWISH THOUGHT
The Necessity of Proximity in Elijah's Miracles
Elijah's miracles often required his physical presence or contact to channel divine intervention. Rabbi Nissim of Gerona, in his 14th-century sermons, explores how prophets like Elijah facilitated miracles through direct interaction.
Elijah's Showdown on Mount CarmelCOMMENTARY
Elijah's Showdown on Mount Carmel
Elijah's dramatic confrontation with the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel is a pivotal moment in Jewish history, symbolizing the rejection of idolatry. This modern exploration identifies the exact geographical and historical context of the showdown, including the site on Mount Carmel and the Kishon River where Elijah killed the prophets.
Elijah's Miraculous CompassionSECOND TEMPLE
Elijah's Miraculous Compassion
Elijah's miracles, especially the resurrection of the widow's son, highlight his profound compassion and direct connection with God. Josephus, a 1st-century Jewish historian, recounts this miraculous event in his comprehensive work on Jewish history.
Elijah's ArrivalCHASIDUT
Elijah's Arrival
Elijah the Prophet, a key figure in Jewish eschatology, is believed to herald the coming of the Messiah. Rabbi Nachman of Breslov, in his early 19th-century work Likutei Moharan, discusses the mystical significance of Motzaei Shabbat (the end of Shabbat) as the potential time for Elijah's arrival.
A Conditional Double PortionCOMMENTARY
A Conditional Double Portion
Elisha's request for a double portion of Elijah's spirit was conditional upon his ability to witness Elijah's ascent to heaven. The Book of Kings (Melachim II) in the Hebrew Bible recounts this pivotal moment, symbolizing the transfer of prophetic authority from Elijah to Elisha.
Obadiah's DilemmaCOMMENTARY
Obadiah's Dilemma
Obadiah faces a moral dilemma and personal risk in his interactions with Elijah, torn between loyalty and potential danger to his own life. The Tze'enah Ure'enah, a late 16th-century Yiddish commentary, makes Jewish texts accessible to those not fluent in Hebrew, blending biblical narratives with rabbinic teachings.
Elijah's Silent TearsTALMUD
Elijah's Silent Tears
Elijah's plea to God is so heartfelt that it is considered an expression of crying, even though the term 'crying' is not explicitly mentioned. The Gemara in Tractate Taanit discusses whether Elijah's emotional plea can be interpreted as crying.
Elijah's Test of FaithCOMMENTARY
Elijah's Test of Faith
Elijah's strategic setup of the test against the prophets of Baal ensured the fairness and credibility of the miracle, demonstrating the superiority of the God of Israel. Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz’s modern translation and commentary on the Hebrew Bible provides a clear and engaging account of Elijah’s confrontation with the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel.
The Teachings of ElijahMIDRASH
The Teachings of Elijah
The Midrashic works 'Seder Eliyahu Rabbah' and 'Seder Eliyahu Zuta' are historically significant and offer profound ethical teachings attributed to the prophet Elijah. These texts, known collectively as 'Tanna Devei Eliyahu,' are referenced in the Talmud and provide a unique connection to the Talmudic period through stories like that of Rav Anan and Elijah's visits.