18-19th century preeminent Torah scholar and author. Born in Brody, he served as rabbi of Uhniv for a short time, but after becoming wealthy in business he gave up the position and devoted his time to Torah study and correspondence. Among his works are: "Bet Efrayim" - commentary on Shulchan Arukh, Yoreh De'ah; Responsa Bet Efrayim, "Yad Efrayim" commentary on Shulchan Arukh, Orach Chayim, "Sha'arei Efrayim" on the laws pertaining to the reading of the Torah in the synagogue; "Shem Efrayim" commentary on the Torah; "Tiv Gittin" on the proper spelling of names in divorce documents; and "Mateh Efrayim" on the laws to be observed from the beginning of the month of Elul until after Sukkot, as well as the regulations regarding the Kaddish of orphans.
Works on Sefaria