Jewish textual tradition values giving and generosity. The Torah instructs providing for those in need and requires the distribution of agricultural gifts to the poor, the priests, and the Levites. Later Jewish texts elaborate on these commandments and on the importance of supporting communal institutions.
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The Blessing of GenerosityTANAKH
The Blessing of Generosity
The Torah underscores the importance of giving to those in need without reluctance, promising divine blessings in return. In Deuteronomy, Moses commands the Israelites to generously support the needy, particularly as the sabbatical year approaches.
The Joy of Giving on PurimTANAKH
The Joy of Giving on Purim
Purim is a time when the Jewish people transformed a period of grief into one of joy, marked by the communal obligation to give gifts to one another and to the poor. The book of Esther recounts the story of Esther and Mordekhai, who established Purim as a holiday of feasting, merrymaking, and giving.
Fair Distribution of Agricultural GiftsMISHNAH
Fair Distribution of Agricultural Gifts
The Mishnah provides detailed regulations to ensure fair distribution of agricultural gifts to the poor. Tractate Peah in the Mishnah, the first codification of Jewish law from the early third-century land of Israel, outlines the specific timing and conditions under which the poor can collect gleanings, forgotten sheaves, and other agricultural gifts.
Preventing PovertyMIDRASH
Preventing Poverty
Proactive and continuous support can prevent a person from falling into deeper poverty. The Sifra, an ancient midrash on the book of Leviticus from the land of Israel, elaborates on the biblical commandment to support a fellow Jew who has fallen into poverty.
The Importance of Direct SupportTALMUD
The Importance of Direct Support
Providing direct support to needy individuals is crucial, especially when they first encounter hardships. The talmudic tractate Nedarim discusses the balance between communal charity and individual responsibility in supporting those who fall into poverty.
Obligatory Gifts to the PoorHALAKHAH
Obligatory Gifts to the Poor
Some agricultural gifts to the poor are unique in that they are obligatory and not left to the discretion of the giver. Maimonides' famed 12th-century code of Jewish law, Mishneh Torah, outlines the laws of agricultural gifts, emphasizing the poor's entitlement to these gifts, which are not based on personal choice.
Ethical Allocation of Charity FundsTALMUD
Ethical Allocation of Charity Funds
The ethical allocation of charity funds ensures that donations are used for their intended purposes. The Jerusalem Talmud provides detailed guidelines on how to handle surplus charity funds, emphasizing the importance of ethical financial practices.
An Invitation to AllLITURGY
An Invitation to All
The invitation to those in need to join the Passover meal symbolizes inclusivity and solidarity. The Pesach Haggadah, the guiding text of the Passover seder, extends an invitation to the hungry and needy to join the meal, reflecting themes of freedom and hope for redemption.
The Humble GiverREFERENCE
The Humble Giver
Mar Ukba's dedication to anonymous giving, even at personal risk, exemplifies the highest ideals of humility and charity. Gershom Bader's biographical account of Mar Ukba, a prominent 3rd-century Babylonian rabbi, highlights his extraordinary acts of secret charity.
Consecrating CharityHALAKHAH
Consecrating Charity
The Shulchan Arukh outlines a distinctive method for designating items for charity by verbally associating them with something already sacred. Rabbi Joseph Karo's 16th-century legal code, a central text in Jewish law, details this procedure in the section on charity.
Treasures in HeavenTOSEFTA
Treasures in Heaven
King Munbaz teaches that true wealth is not in material possessions but in the spiritual and eternal value of giving. The Tosefta, an ancient collection of rabbinic laws and teachings from the land of Israel, emphasizes the eternal significance of charity and kind deeds.
The Art of GivingSECOND TEMPLE
The Art of Giving
Giving should be tailored to the specific needs of the recipient, rather than done indiscriminately. Philo of Alexandria, a Hellenistic Jewish philosopher, blends Jewish theology with Greek philosophy to emphasize the importance of appropriate giving.
Charity in Seventeenth-Century RomeCOMMENTARY
Charity in Seventeenth-Century Rome
The Jewish community in seventeenth-century Rome exemplified organized and extensive charitable efforts to support various communal needs. Rabbi Jonathan Sacks explores the values of tzedakah (charity) and chesed (kindness) through the lens of historical communal support systems.
The Structure of CharityJEWISH THOUGHT
The Structure of Charity
The Talmud provides a structured and communal approach to charity, ensuring fairness and responsibility in the collection and distribution of funds and food. This text from the Babylonian Talmud outlines specific procedures for charitable activities, distinguishing between different types of charity and their respective beneficiaries.
The Commandment of the Second TitheMUSAR
The Commandment of the Second Tithe
The Torah mandates the giving of a second tithe from the produce of major crops, underscoring the principles of generosity and community support. In his 17th-century work, Shenei Luchot HaBerit, Rabbi Isaiah HaLevi Horowitz elaborates on this practice, explaining that the second tithe, which was designated for consumption in Jerusalem during Temple times, exemplifies the importance of communal sharing and religious observance.