The first three sefirot are the lights that came before the vessels, which are enclothed in the returning light that ascends to them from the partition that is located from them and above. That is, the first three sefirot – Keter, Ḥokhma, and Bina – which are also known as the head of the partzuf (Talmud Eser Sefirot, v. 2, Q & A 13).
Those first three and the head are the ten sefirot of direct light, which are enclothed in the returning light that ascends from the partition and above, meaning the beginning and root. For they are not yet considered complete vessels that are suited to the full enclothing of the light, but only as roots (Talmud Eser Sefirot, v. 3, Q & A 96).
In addition, the enclothing of the lights in the vessels must initially be in “potential” form, and only subsequently “actualized.” The enclothing of the ten sefirot in “potential” form is called head, while the enclothing of the ten sefirot in “actualized” form is called body (Talmud Eser Sefirot, v. 4, Q & A 13).