Rabbi Israel Meir (HaKohen) Kagan, also known as the Chafetz Chaim, was one of the foremost leaders of Ashkenazi Jewry, whose seminal works, Sefer Chafetz Chaim and Shemirat HaLashon, have come to define the rules of proper speech. He also composed the Mishnah Berurah, a popular six-volume commentary on the first section of the Shulchan Arukh, in addition to many smaller works on Jewish law and ethics. He served briefly as the rabbi of Radun (Poland/Belarus) but resigned in order to found the Radun Yeshiva, which became world famous under his leadership.
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Chafetz Chaim on Sifra
Sefer HaMitzvot HaKatzar
Ahavat Chesed
Chafetz Chaim
Geder Olam
Be'er Mayim Chaim on Chafetz Chaim
Netiv Chesed on Ahavat Chesed
Ahavat Yisrael
Davar BeItto
Kuntres Sefat Tamim
Ma'amar Torat HaBayit
Shemirat HaLashon
Ma'amar Tzipita LeYeshuah
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