One of the early Chassidic masters in Poland, known as the "Chozeh" ("The Seer"), owing to his supernatural ability of perception. He was a student of the Maggid of Mezeritch and later of R' Shmelke of Nikolsburg and R' Elimelech of Lizhensk. He lived for a while in Lantzut before moving to Lublin, where he attracted thousands of followers, among them many well-known Chasidic luminaries. While in Lublin, he faced opposition from a prominent Mitnagdic rabbi, Ezriel Horowitz, known as the 'Eizener Kop'. His three works, all published posthumously, are: "Zikaron Zot", "Zot Zikaron'", and "Divrei Emet".
Works on Sefaria