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The King's MuleTANAKH
The King's Mule
The king's mule is a symbol of royal authority and legitimacy. In the biblical narrative, King David instructs his soldiers to have his son Solomon ride on his mule as a part of transferring the throne to him.
The Remarkable She-Mule of SolomonMIDRASH
The Remarkable She-Mule of Solomon
According to some sources, the mule King David had Solomon ride was unique because she was created through a special act of creation, not through cross-breeding. Louis Ginzberg's early 20th-century work, Legends of the Jews, compiles and synthesizes a vast array of Jewish folklore and biblical stories.
Absalom's Tragic EndTANAKH
Absalom's Tragic End
The dramatic death of Absalom, David's rebellious son, is a pivotal moment in the narrative, including the surprising role of a mule in his demise. The biblical text of Samuel II recounts how Absalom's hair got caught in the branches of a terebinth tree, leaving him suspended as his mule continued on.
The First MuleTALMUD
The First Mule
When was the first mule bred? In the Talmudic tractate Pesachim, Rabbi Yosei and Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel disagree on which early generation of humanity saw the first mule bred from a horse and a donkey.
The Ominous White MuleTALMUD
The Ominous White Mule
White mules were considered so dangerous that their presence was interpreted as a sign of the Angel of Death. In the Talmudic tractate Chullin, Rabbi Pineḥas ben Ya’ir’s encounter with white mules leads him to refuse to eat in a house where they are present.
Isaac's Miraculous MulesMUSAR
Isaac's Miraculous Mules
Rabbi Isaiah HaLevi Horowitz, in his 17th-century work Shenei Luchot HaBerit, provides a mystical narrative about mules belonging to Isaac the patriarch, as a testament to his holiness.
The Discovery of MulesCOMMENTARY
The Discovery of Mules
Esau's genealogy in the Book of Genesis includes a mysterious statement of a discovery made by Anah, one of Seir's descendants and Esau's kin. Rabbi Jacob ben Asher’s medieval commentary, Tur HaArokh, interprets the verse as being about the discovery of the possibility of interbreeding donkeys and horses to produce mules.
Anah's DiscoveryCOMMENTARY
Anah's Discovery
The Torah’s confusing report of Anah’s genealogy and discovery raises questions about legitimacy and societal perceptions. Rabbeinu Bahya, a medieval Jewish commentator, delves into the lineage and actions of Anah, offering various interpretations including encounters with giants.
The Ethics of Cross-BreedingJEWISH THOUGHT
The Ethics of Cross-Breeding
The prohibition of cross-breeding animals, such as mules, has been tied to maintaining moral and religious purity. In his 12th-century philosophical work, Rambam (Maimonides) addresses the ethical and theological reasons behind this prohibition.
Wisdom Through AbsurdityTALMUD
Wisdom Through Absurdity
The dialogue uses absurdity and paradox to convey wisdom and challenge conventional thinking. In the Talmudic tractate Bekhorot, Rabbi Yehoshua and the sages of Athens engage in a series of nonsensical questions to highlight the absurdity of certain statements about mules.
Tributes to King SolomonTANAKH
Tributes to King Solomon
The Book of Kings describes King Solomon's wealth at length, including gifts and tributes he received. Among those tributes were mules and other animals.
The Boundaries of NatureMISHNAH
The Boundaries of Nature
Even though certain animals may appear similar to one another, they still constitute kilayim (forbidden mixtures) when crossbred. The Mishnah, a foundational Jewish legal text from around 200 CE, discusses the laws of kilayim, which prohibit breeding different species of animals together.
Negligence and Liability in Property RentalTALMUD
Negligence and Liability in Property Rental
The Talmud explores the legal and ethical implications of negligence in renting and safeguarding property, using the case of a rented mule to illustrate liability. The Babylonian Talmud in tractate Bava Metzia discusses a legal case involving the negligence of renters and the subsequent liability for the death of a rented mule.
Royal MessengersCOMMENTARY
Royal Messengers
The Book of Esther describes messenger couriers operating in the vast Persian empire. According to Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz’s modern translation and commentary, mules played a role in the delivery of royal decrees.
The Divine Order of SpeciesHALAKHAH
The Divine Order of Species
Mules are a crossbreed of two species, and are themselves infertile. The Sefer HaChinukh, a medieval text, explains the prohibition against crossbreeding animals and plants, emphasizing the importance of maintaining the natural order as intended by God.