Prayer is a central aspect of Jewish life and features prominently throughout the Jewish textual tradition. Biblical characters commune with God, expressing their gratitude, distress, and desires. Liturgical works contain set prayers to be recited at regular schedules, while works of Jewish thought stress the importance of integrating personal connection into prayer.
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Praying with IntentionTALMUD
Praying with Intention
Does one’s intention or concentration during prayer have an impact on the ritual itself? The Jerusalem Talmud in tractate Berakhot emphasizes the importance of focusing one’s intention during prayer.
Prayer as Divine ServiceHALAKHAH
Prayer as Divine Service
Prayer is not just a spiritual practice, but a commandment and a form of service to God. Rambam, the great 12th century legal scholar and philosopher, discusses this concept in his work, Sefer HaMitzvot, which lists and explains the 613 commandments of the Torah.
The Power of Communal PrayerMIDRASH
The Power of Communal Prayer
While one is permitted to pray on their own, Jewish tradition encourages prayer within a community, within a quorum of ten. The midrash in Devarim Rabbah, an early medieval midrash on the book of Deuteronomy, explores the power of prayer and notes that God is particularly attentive to communal prayer.
Taking the Place of SacrificeKABBALAH
Taking the Place of Sacrifice
The framework of Jewish prayer is modeled after the sacrificial rites that once took place in the Temple. The Zohar, the foundational work of Jewish mysticism, elaborates on the connection between prayer and sacrificial worship.
The Amidah PrayerTALMUD
The Amidah Prayer
The core prayer in the Jewish tradition is the Amidah, the “standing prayer,” referred to in the Talmud simply as “tefillah,” literally, “prayer.” The Babylonian Talmud in tractate Berakhot provides a detailed explanation of the significance of its structure and the number of its blessings.
The Role of the Prayer LeaderCOMMENTARY
The Role of the Prayer Leader
While mitzvot, or commandments, can often be performed by one person on behalf of another, prayer is incumbent upon each individual. Menachem Meiri, a 13th-century Provencal Jewish legal commentator, discusses the circumstances under which a prayer leader can pray on behalf of individuals in the congregation.
Patriarchs of PrayerMIDRASH
Patriarchs of Prayer
Daily Jewish prayer services are, according to Jewish tradition, rooted in the practices of the patriarchs. The midrash in Bereshit Rabbah, the ancient midrash from the land of Israel on the book of Genesis, connects each of the three daily prayer services to a different patriarch: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
A Time-Bound Commandment?COMMENTARY
A Time-Bound Commandment?
Jewish scholars have differing views on the nature of the commandment to pray. Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, a leading 20th-century Jewish thinker and legal scholar, explores this debate and its ramifications, specifically with respect to the nature of women’s obligation to pray.
The Many Sides of PrayerCHASIDUT
The Many Sides of Prayer
Prayer can speak to the many different facets of one’s relationship with God. In his 18th-century work, Kedushat Levi, Chasidic Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev argues that every part of this multifaceted relationship has a place in prayer, associating different emotions with each of the forefathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Service of the HeartMUSAR
Service of the Heart
The Jewish tradition often refers to prayer as “service of the heart.” Rabbi Isaiah Horowitz, in his 17th-century work, Shenei Luchot HaBerit, explores the significance of this expression.
Daniel’s DevotionTANAKH
Daniel’s Devotion
Many of the liturgical and devotional practices in the Jewish tradition have their roots in the Tanakh. The biblical book of Daniel describes Daniel’s practice of praying three times a day, an early example of what would later become the normative practice of rabbinic Judaism.