Rebecca is one of the four matriarchs of the Jewish people. After proving her worth through acts of kindness and hospitality, she married Abraham's son Isaac. She favored her younger son Jacob and helped him to get the blessing meant for her older son Esau.
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The Struggle Within Rebecca's WombTANAKH
The Struggle Within Rebecca's Womb
Isaac's plea to God on behalf of Rebecca's barrenness and the divine response that foretells the future of her children highlight the struggle within her womb and the prophecy that 'the older shall serve the younger.' The Book of Genesis recounts the origins of mankind and the Israelites, including the story of Isaac and Rebecca, her initial barrenness, Isaac's prayer, and the prophecy about their twins.
The Consequences of SilenceCOMMENTARY
The Consequences of Silence
The lack of communication between Rebecca and Isaac regarding the divine prophecy led to significant consequences, including Rebecca's need to deceive Isaac to ensure Jacob received the blessing. Rabbi Jonathan Sacks explores the dynamics between Isaac, Rebecca, and their sons Esau and Jacob, emphasizing the critical role of communication in biblical narratives.
A Lily Among ThornsMIDRASH
A Lily Among Thorns
Rebecca's righteousness shines through despite being surrounded by deceitful individuals, likening her to a 'lily among the thorns.' The 7th-century midrash Shir HaShirim Rabbah offers a verse-by-verse commentary on the Song of Songs, interpreting it allegorically to highlight Rebecca's moral integrity.
Rebecca and the Return of the Divine PresenceKABBALAH
Rebecca and the Return of the Divine Presence
Rebecca's arrival brought the Divine Presence back to Sarah's tent, symbolizing her spiritual continuity with Sarah. The Zohar, a central text of Jewish mysticism, explores the deep spiritual connection between Sarah and Rebecca, emphasizing their righteous deeds and the presence of the Divine in their lives.
Rebecca's ResourcefulnessCOMMENTARY
Rebecca's Resourcefulness
Rebecca's resourcefulness and intimate understanding of her husband's preferences are showcased through her culinary skills, which play a crucial role in the narrative of Jacob's blessing of his sons. Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz's modern translation and commentary on the Torah provides a clear and engaging exploration of Rebecca's actions and their significance.
Rebecca's Divine ImpactCOMMENTARY
Rebecca's Divine Impact
Rebecca's actions are crucial in bridging the divine promise to its fulfillment, making her a key figure in the legacy of the Jewish people. Everett Fox’s analysis in his essays on the Five Books of Moses delves into Rebecca’s pivotal role in the Book of Genesis, highlighting her impact on Jewish history.
Rebecca's Protective StrategyCOMMENTARY
Rebecca's Protective Strategy
Rebecca's strategic decision to send Jacob to her brother Laban was to ensure his safety from Esau. Rabbeinu Bahya, a medieval Jewish commentator, delves into the intricate family dynamics and protective measures within the biblical narrative.
The Secret Burial of RebeccaCOMMENTARY
The Secret Burial of Rebecca
The Torah's omission of Rebecca's death and burial seems particularly significant given the mention of her nurse, Deborah's, death. The Tze'enah Ure'enah, a Yiddish commentary from the late 16th century, provides an explanation for this.
The Strife ForetoldJEWISH THOUGHT
The Strife Foretold
Rebecca received a divine revelation about the future of her children, foretelling the perpetual conflict between the nations descending from them. Rabbi Nissim of Gerona, a 14th-century Spanish Talmudist, explores the inherent and divinely arranged strife between Jacob and Esau in his collection of sermons.
Divine Intervention and Consent in Rebecca's BetrothalMIDRASH
Divine Intervention and Consent in Rebecca's Betrothal
Rebecca's betrothal to Isaac showcases divine intervention and the importance of her consent. The early medieval midrash Bereshit Rabbah elaborates on the biblical narrative, highlighting how Betuel's opposition was thwarted and Rebecca's consent was crucial.
The Age of RebeccaCOMMENTARY
The Age of Rebecca
The debate over Rebecca's age at the time of her marriage to Isaac has significant implications for understanding their childbearing timeline. The Tur HaArokh, a medieval Jewish legal code by Rabbi Jacob ben Asher, delves into the complexities and discrepancies in rabbinic interpretations regarding Rebecca's age.
Rebecca's Influence and SpiritualityMIDRASH
Rebecca's Influence and Spirituality
Rebecca was pivotal in ensuring Jacob's safety and future. Sefer HaYashar, a medieval work of midrash, showcases Rebecca's protective nature and commitment to the family's covenant with God, as evidenced by her actions when she learned that Esau planned to kill Esau.
Rebecca's Virtuous JourneyMUSAR
Rebecca's Virtuous Journey
Rebecca's qualities of generosity, humility, and modesty made her the ideal match for Isaac, setting her apart from her brother Laban. In his 17th-century work, Shenei Luchot HaBerit, Rabbi Isaiah Horowitz delves into the specific traits Eliezer sought in Rebecca, offering profound moral lessons from this biblical narrative.
The Arranged Marriage of Isaac and RebeccaCOMMENTARY
The Arranged Marriage of Isaac and Rebecca
Isaac's marriage to Rebecca was arranged without his involvement or consent, highlighting the parental authority in marriage decisions in ancient Jewish culture. Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, in his essay on the weekly Torah portion 'Chayei Sara,' explores the themes of faith, family, and continuity in Jewish tradition.