12-13th century French Tosafist, also known by the acronym "Rash" or "Rashba" (not to be confused with R' Shlomo ben Aderet). Born in France, he first studied under Rabbeinu Tam, and later under Rabbeinu Yitzchak (Ri HaZaken) who was his primary teacher. Rosh considers him to be the preeminent Baal Tosafot after Rabbeinu Tam and Ri. Many of the Tosafot which are printed in our Talmud are either taken from Rash's work, "Tosafot Shantz", or based on them. Rash's commentary on Mishnayot Zeraim and Taharot, on which there is no Talmud, is printed along with Rambam's commentary in the Vilna Shas. In 1211, Rash joined a group of 300 French and English scholars who emigrated to Israel in order to escape the persecution of Jews taking place in their countries. He lived in Jerusalem, earning him the title "Ish Yerushalayim", and is buried in Akko (Acre).
Works on Sefaria