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Stars' Creation on Day FourTANAKH
Stars' Creation on Day Four
Genesis, the first book of the Torah, recounts the creation of the stars on the fourth day, along with the sun and the moon.
As Numerous as the StarsTANAKH
As Numerous as the Stars
The promise of God to Abraham that his descendants will be as numerous as the stars in the sky is a foundational moment in Jewish history. In the book of Genesis, God takes Abraham outside and tells him to look up at the stars, promising that his offspring will be as numerous as these celestial bodies.
Counting the StarsTANAKH
Counting the Stars
The infinite number of stars in the universe is a testament to God's infinity. In the book of Psalms, God is portrayed as being able to count and name each star in the universe, emphasizing His greatness and omniscience.
The Stars Belong to GodCOMMENTARY
The Stars Belong to God
The stars, in their vast multitude, are not just distant celestial bodies, but each one is known and named by God, signifying His ownership and dominion over the universe. Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, in his commentary on Psalms, explores this profound concept, offering a fresh perspective on our understanding of the cosmos.
Stars and the End of ShabbatTALMUD
Stars and the End of Shabbat
The transition from day to twilight to night is significant in Jewish law. This Talmudic discussion explores how the emergence of stars can be used to determine when it is officially night and Shabbat ends.