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Reverence for Teachers and StudentsMISHNAH
Reverence for Teachers and Students
Honoring and respecting students, colleagues, and teachers is equated to reverence for heaven. Pirkei Avot, a tractate of the Mishnah, offers ethical teachings and maxims from the Rabbis.
Judging with Your TeacherTALMUD
Judging with Your Teacher
The relationship between a teacher and student can complicate the impartiality required in capital cases. The Talmudic tractate Sanhedrin explores the complexities of judicial processes, including the controversial issue of whether a teacher and student can serve together as judges in capital cases.
The Revival of Jewish LearningCOMMENTARY
The Revival of Jewish Learning
The resurgence of Jewish learning institutions and the unprecedented number of students studying in yeshivas and seminaries today is a testament to the resilience and revival of Jewish education after the Holocaust. Rabbi Jonathan Sacks explores the remarkable growth of Jewish education in contemporary times, emphasizing the role of the heads of Yeshivot and Hasidic leaders in this revival.
The Rivalry of Talmudic AcademiesREFERENCE
The Rivalry of Talmudic Academies
During Abayei's leadership, the waning influence of Pumbeditha underscores how personal dynamics and leadership styles shaped Talmudic academies' fortunes. Gershom Bader's study explores the rivalry between Abayei and Rava, both influential Amoraim, and its impact on student enrollment in their academies.
Divine Assistance in LearningKABBALAH
Divine Assistance in Learning
Attaining true wisdom and understanding in Kabbalah requires divine assistance, as human help alone is insufficient. Rabbi Yehuda Ashlag, a prominent 20th-century Kabbalist, emphasizes the necessity of favor with God to grasp supernal concepts and the wisdom of Kabbalah.
The Foundation of Jewish EducationMIDRASH
The Foundation of Jewish Education
Joshua b. Gamla's reforms ensured that every Jewish child, regardless of their family situation, had access to Torah education. The Ein Yaakov recounts the historical development and institutionalization of Jewish education, highlighting the significant reforms introduced by Joshua b. Gamla.
The Broad Scope of Jewish EducationJEWISH THOUGHT
The Broad Scope of Jewish Education
Jewish education has historically been comprehensive and inclusive, providing access to both sexes, supporting needy students, and covering a broad curriculum. Eliezer Berkovits, in his mid-20th-century work, highlights the historical commitment of Jewish communities to education and welfare, even under challenging circumstances.
The Art of Teaching Complex ConceptsCHASIDUT
The Art of Teaching Complex Concepts
A teacher must simplify and conceal the full depth of their understanding to effectively communicate complex concepts to students. In Sha’ar HaYichud, Rabbi Dov Baer Schneuri, the second rebbe of Chabad, explores the necessity of this pedagogical approach.
The Mathematical SageCOMMENTARY
The Mathematical Sage
Rabbi Eliezer Hisma was renowned for his exceptional mathematical skills and his legendary status as a student of Rabban Gamaliel and Rabbi Joshua. Pirkei Avot, a tractate of the Mishnah, contains ethical teachings and maxims from the Rabbis, including insights into the wisdom of Rabbi Eliezer Hisma.
The Teacher's Indelible MarkCHASIDUT
The Teacher's Indelible Mark
A teacher's influence on a student is profound and enduring, akin to inscribing one's intellect and likeness onto the student's mind. Rabbi Nachman of Breslov, a prominent Hasidic master, emphasizes the importance of early education and the deep impact a teacher has on a student's intellectual and spiritual development.
Balancing Authority and Approachability in EducationCHASIDUT
Balancing Authority and Approachability in Education
A teacher must balance authority with approachability to foster both respect and joy in their students. Rabbi Kalonymus Kalman Shapira, the Piaseczner Rebbe, offers guidance on this balance in his work, Chovat HaTalmidim.
The Dedication of Jewish EducatorsMUSAR
The Dedication of Jewish Educators
The dedication of Jewish educators to teach all children equally and to bring back those who have strayed from the Torah is a profound example of the value of 'mezakeh harabim' (benefiting the public). Yosef Yozel Horowitz, a prominent Jewish educator from the late 19th to early 20th century, exemplifies this dedication through his extraordinary efforts.
Compassion and Strictness in EducationHALAKHAH
Compassion and Strictness in Education
Balancing compassion for struggling students with strictness for negligent ones is essential in effective teaching. The Shulchan Arukh, a 16th-century codification of Jewish law by Rabbi Joseph Karo, emphasizes the importance of maintaining a serious and respectful learning environment.
Israel's Draw for Torah ScholarsHALAKHAH
Israel's Draw for Torah Scholars
The establishment of the State of Israel has transformed it into a central hub for Torah scholarship, attracting students, scholars, and visitors from around the world. Rabbi J. David Bleich explores the profound impact of Israel's founding on Jewish learning and pilgrimage.