The tosafists — ba'alei hatosafot — were members of a school of Torah and talmudic interpretation that flourished in 12th- and 13th-century France and Germany. Their roots are in the work of Rashi. Rashi's own sons-in-law and grandsons are counted among the founders and most influential tosafists. Their comments on almost every tractate of the Talmud were collected, edited, augmented, and passed on for generations. Their approach is analytical, comparative, and incisive. They also often take a critical stance regarding Rashi's commentary. They were amongst the first French and German rabbis to quote the Jerusalem Talmud extensively and the commentary of Rabbenu Chananel on the Babylonian Talmud. Other works also emerged from their school, notably Machzor Vitri and the Torah commentary, Da'at Zekenim.
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Hadar Zekenim on Torah
Tosafot on Talmud
Tosafot Yeshanim on Talmud
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