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The Everlasting RockTANAKH
The Everlasting Rock
Trust in God is portrayed as eternal and unwavering, providing safety and security. The prophet Isaiah emphasizes that God is an everlasting Rock, a reliable protector for those who trust in God.
Building Trust Through the Second TitheCOMMENTARY
Building Trust Through the Second Tithe
The second tithe was a practice that fostered trust and social cohesion by encouraging the sharing of food with strangers in Jerusalem. Rabbi Jonathan Sacks explores how this ancient practice promoted better citizenship and generosity, countering the individualism that can undermine democracies.
Abram's Fiery OrdealMIDRASH
Abram's Fiery Ordeal
Abram’s survival from the fiery furnace showcased his unwavering trust in God, leading to his recognition by the king. The medieval midrashic text Sefer HaYashar recounts this event, highlighting Abram’s faith and divine protection amidst the flames, contrasting it with the fate of his brother Haran.
Rebuilding Trust in MarriageJEWISH THOUGHT
Rebuilding Trust in Marriage
Trust is a fragile yet essential component of any marriage, especially when it has been broken by infidelity. Erica Brown's reflections during the 'Three Weeks' offer profound insights into the emotional and relational complexities of rebuilding trust in a marriage.
Finding Hope in ProphecyHALAKHAH
Finding Hope in Prophecy
Rabbi Akiva’s ability to find hope and joy in the fulfillment of prophetic words, even amidst immense personal tragedy, serves as a powerful example of trust and resilience. Rabbi Eliezer Melamed, in his contemporary presentation of Jewish law, Peninei Halakhah, highlights Rabbi Akiva’s role in the continuation and spread of Torah learning during times of great loss.
Faith in the Face of FireKABBALAH
Faith in the Face of Fire
Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah exemplified profound trust in God even when facing imminent death. The Zohar, a central text in Jewish mysticism, delves into the mystical significance of their unwavering faith and commitment in the face of danger.
Divine Protection and TrustCOMMENTARY
Divine Protection and Trust
The divine protection of Moses and Miriam underscores their deep trust in Hashem's intervention. The 19th-century commentator Malbim analyzes Exodus 2:7, highlighting how Miriam’s bravery and divine guidance ensured the safety and well-being of Moses, illustrating Hashem’s protective care and strategic foresight.
Unwavering Trust in Divine ProvidenceREFERENCE
Unwavering Trust in Divine Providence
Nachum of Gimso's story exemplifies unwavering trust and faith in divine providence, even in the face of danger and adversity. This narrative from Jewish oral tradition highlights Nachum Ish Gamzu's belief that everything that happens is ultimately for the best, encapsulated in his famous phrase 'Gam zu l'tovah.'
Hezekiah's Unmatched TrustTANAKH
Hezekiah's Unmatched Trust
King Hezekiah's unparalleled trust in God sets him apart from all other kings of Judah. The biblical book of Kings II recounts the reigns of the kings of Israel and Judah, highlighting Hezekiah's exceptional faith.
A Testament of Trust and LoyaltyTANAKH
A Testament of Trust and Loyalty
Ruth's declaration to Naomi exemplifies an extraordinary level of personal trust and loyalty, making it a profound study in unwavering commitment. The Book of Ruth, one of the five megillot in the Hebrew Bible, narrates Ruth's journey of loyalty and faith as she pledges to follow her mother-in-law Naomi and adopt her people and God.
Daily Sustenance in the DesertSECOND TEMPLE
Daily Sustenance in the Desert
The Israelites' 40-year journey in the desert highlights the importance of relying on daily sustenance without hoarding. Philo of Alexandria, a Hellenistic Jewish philosopher, reflects on the miraculous provision during this period, emphasizing reverence and worship of the divine Giver.
Steadfast TrustTANAKH
Steadfast Trust
Trust in the LORD is as steadfast and unshakeable as Mount Zion, enduring forever. The Psalms, a collection of 150 poems, include expressions of trust, hope, and gratitude towards God.
Holiness in BusinessCHASIDUT
Holiness in Business
Conducting business with holiness, faith, and truthfulness is essential for ethical treatment of associates. Rabbi Nathan of Breslov’s prayer in Likutei Tefilot emphasizes the importance of honesty and integrity in business, reflecting Jewish values.
The Source of David's SuccessLITURGY
The Source of David's Success
King David's victories and successes are attributed not to his own might, but to his relationship with God and adherence to His Law. The daily prayer Ashrei U'va L'Tzion, part of the Jewish Siddur, emphasizes the importance of faith and reliance on divine providence.
The Importance of Communal TrustMISHNAH
The Importance of Communal Trust
In a community, trust is established through third-party endorsements rather than self-assertion. The Mishnah, an early third-century codification of Jewish law from the land of Israel, addresses the importance of trustworthiness in transactions, particularly in the context of tithing and verifying the reliability of others through external validation.
Making Torah Study PrimaryMUSAR
Making Torah Study Primary
By placing Torah study above worldly work, one cultivates a mind free from material concerns, allowing for true piety and sincere divine service. In his 18th-century ethical work, Mesillat Yesharim, Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto emphasizes that prioritizing Torah study fosters trust in God, as it aligns one's life with spiritual goals and reduces anxiety over temporal matters.
Defining TrustworthinessTALMUD
Defining Trustworthiness
Trustworthiness is not just a moral virtue but a practical necessity in religious and social interactions. The Jerusalem Talmud, an ancient corpus of law, ethics, and stories from the land of Israel, explores the criteria for trustworthiness, especially in the context of tithing and associating with those less meticulous in religious observance.
Ethical Business PracticesGUIDES
Ethical Business Practices
Honesty and integrity in business transactions are fundamental values in Judaism. Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, a renowned modern Jewish scholar, discusses the Torah's prohibition against fraud in business dealings.