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The value of truth is discussed throughout the Jewish textual tradition, with roots in the biblical command to distance oneself from lying.. Jewish texts also make room for bending the truth or lying in certain circumstances, like for the sake of peace.
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Truth and Justice in Daily Life
The practical application of truth in daily interactions and justice is essential for a harmonious community. The Book of Zechariah, one of the Twelve Minor Prophets, instructs individuals to speak the truth to one another and to render true and perfect justice in their communities.
The Angels' Debate on Creation
The creation of man is depicted as a contentious event among the angels, each embodying different virtues like love, truth, justice, and peace. Louis Ginzberg’s early 20th-century work, Legends of the Jews, weaves together a rich tapestry of Jewish folklore and aggadah to explore these moral and ethical dilemmas.
Revealing True Identity
The truth of one's identity can be revealed through vulnerability and the removal of external facades. Rabbi Francis Nataf draws a parallel between Yosef and Tamar, illustrating how their true selves are revealed when they are unclothed.
From Absolute Truth to Social Norms
The shift from discerning absolute truth to understanding socially accepted norms and conventions is a profound change in human perception. Rabbi Jonathan Sacks explores this shift through the lens of the biblical story of Adam and Eve, referencing Maimonides' 12th-century philosophical work, The Guide for the Perplexed.
The Unwavering Pursuit of Truth
The Jewish people's intrinsic connection to truth is symbolized by the Hanukkah miracle of oil that does not mix with other liquids. The Sefat Emet, a collection of teachings by Rabbi Yehudah Aryeh Leib Alter of Ger, explores this connection through the lens of the Hanukkah miracle.
The Seed of Truth
Yaakov's descendants are referred to as 'the seed of Truth,' indicating that they are the source from which truth emanates, rooted in their forefather Yaakov. In the 13th-century Kabbalistic work Sha'arei Orah, Rabbi Joseph Gikatilla explores the mystical connection between Yaakov and the concept of truth, linking it to the twelve permutations of HaShem's Name.
The Nature of Halakhic Disputes
Halakhic disputes can represent multiple truths or stem from historical factors like forgetfulness and loss of tradition. This text delves into the nature of halakhic controversies, exploring how they can reflect diverse interpretations or arise from extraneous reasons.
The Essential Knowledge of Truth
The knowledge of truth, equated with wisdom, is essential for preventing harm and fostering peace among people. In his 12th-century philosophical work, The Guide for the Perplexed, Rambam explores the relationship between faith and reason, emphasizing that true knowledge of God will bring about a harmonious society.
The Broader Definition of Stealing
Sforno expands the concept of 'stealing' to include not just physical theft but also moral and ethical deceptions. The 16th-century Italian rabbi Sforno interprets the commandment 'You shall not steal' to encompass kidnapping and misleading others.
The Origin of Falsehood
Falsehood is uniquely a product of human imagination, whereas everything else in the world was created by God. Rabbi Shmuel bar Nachmani, an Amora from the Talmudic period, reflects on the Jewish belief in divine creation and human moral responsibility in the Babylonian Talmud.
The Seal of Truth
The letter tav, as the final letter in the seal of God, represents truth and symbolizes those who have observed the entire Torah from alef to tav. The Talmudic sages Reish Lakish and Rabbi Shmuel bar Naḥmani explain the significance of the letter tav in Jewish tradition.
Seeking Hidden Truths
The pursuit of truth and wisdom in hidden matters is a timeless quest that resonates deeply with our inner selves. The Psalms, a collection of poetic prayers attributed to King David and others, often explore themes of divine guidance and the yearning for understanding hidden truths.
Recognizing the Truth in God's Words
Rashi explains how people come to recognize the truth in God's words over time, even if initially misunderstood. Rashi, the renowned medieval French rabbi, offers insights into the process of understanding divine commandments in his commentary on Kiddushin 31a.
The Pursuit of Absolute Truth
The Torah is not just a set of societal regulations but a pursuit of absolute truth and the creation of a unique and holy nation. Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, a modern commentator, explores the deeper purpose of the Torah beyond its legalistic aspects.
The Pillar of Truth
Truth, along with justice and peace, is one of the essential pillars upon which the world stands. Pirkei Avot, a work of ancient rabbinic ethics and wisdom, offers ethical teachings and maxims from the Rabbis, traditionally studied on Shabbat afternoons between Passover and Rosh Hashanah.
The Judge's Duty to Seek Truth
Judges have an active responsibility to seek and deliver justice and truth, even beyond procedural formalities. Rabbi Ben-Zion Meir Hai Uziel, the first Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Israel, emphasizes the ethical and moral duties of judges in his collection of responsa, Mishpetei Uziel.
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