טוּחַ I (b. h.) 1) to cover with a cohesive substance, to plaster. Part. טָח. M. Kat. 7ᵃ ואינו טָח בטיט but puts no clay on. Cant. R. to VIII, 6 טָחֵי גגות roof-plasterers. Neg. XIII, 1 וטח and plasters the spot over; a. fr.—Part. pass. טוּחַ coated, covered with viscid or glittering matter.—Midd. IV, 1 ט׳ בזהב coated with gold; (Num. R. s. 12 נִטּוֹחַ).—Nidd. 24ᵃ בפניו טוּחוֹת (Rashi טָחוֹת) when the face of the embryo is covered over (no features distinguishable).
Nif. - נִיטּוֹחַ to be pasted on, to stick. Y. Kil. VI, 30ᶜ top והיא נִיטּוֹחָה and it (the fig) stuck (against the wall); Y. Sabb. XI, 13ᵃ bot. והיה נ׳ (corr. acc.). Tosef. Kel. B. Mets. II, 17 לִיטּוֹחַ some ed. (ed. Zuck. ליטול, corr. acc.), v. infra.
Hif. - הֵטִיחַ 1) to plaster, to polish. Ḥull. 25ᵃ … עתיד (לַהֲטִיחוֹ) להָטִיחַ וכ׳ (Tosef. Kel. l. c. ליטוח, v. supra) which wants polishing, v. אֲטוּנָס. Bets. 9ᵃ להָטִיחַ גגו וכ׳ he needs the ladder for plastering his roof. [Tosef. Kel. B. Kam. IV, 19, sq. [read:] אם יכול הטיח, v. טִיחַ.] —2) to cast mud, trnsf. (with or without דברים) to speak rebelliously, to reproach (with נגד or כלפי). Taan. 25ᵃ; Meg. 22ᵇ, a. e. לעולם אל יָטִיחַ וכ׳ one must, in his prayer, never reproach the Lord. Ber. 31ᵇ, sq.—Gen. R. s. 53 (ref. to כמטחוי, Gen. XXI, 16) כמֵטַחַת וכ׳ as if thrusting reproaches against the Lord; Tanḥ. Vayetse 5. Ex. R. s. 3. B. Bath. 134ᵃ ה׳ עלי וכ׳ Ben U. insulted me.