Start Reading
Letter Alef
Letter Bet
Letter Gimel
Letter Dalet
Letter He
Letter Zayin
Letter Chet
Desire and LoveFlatteryInnovationWeaknessDreamsCovetousnessEncouragementEducationGroupCompanionshipLifeAdherenceWisdomDesecration of God's NameIll PersonKindnessSuspicionPietyParents in lawLeavenCalculationRespectSuspectBridegroomDebtDeficiencyRegretIntermediate Days of the FestivalsDestruction of the TempleGraceDeaf
Letter Yod
Letter Kaf
Letter Mem
Letter Nun
Letter Samekh
Letter Ayin
Letter Kof
Letter Resh
Letter Shin
PeaceHatredShabbatSleepConversationFalsehoodDrinkingLowlinessSilenceJoyOathName of HeavenDiligenceNeighborSongPrayer LeaderTaking HeedLaughterHearingSackclothCommendationUnintentional SinJudges and EnforcersRitual SlaughterServantWagesReward of a MitzvahPrudenceGood NameMeasureWhite LinenSixAuthorityBorrowerPertinent Inquiry
Letter Tav
SupplementAbout This Text
Author: Eliezer Papo
Composed: Silistra, Bulgaria, c.1815 – c.1823 CE
Pele Yoetz is a book of Jewish Musar literature (Ethics). It is not limited to abstract ethical precepts and esoteric concepts; but rather it encompasses all aspects and phases of day-to-day Jewish living, the ritual as well as the ethical, the mundane as well as the sublime. The book offers advice on human interrelationships such as between parent and child, husband and wife, employer and employee. It speaks to the heart as well as the mind. It is comprised of short chapters organized according to the Hebrew alphabet.